Moderna Admits Covid mRNA Shots Cause Cancer, Testimony Reveals – IOTW Report

Moderna Admits Covid mRNA Shots Cause Cancer, Testimony Reveals

Slay: A world-renowned vaccine expert has presented evidence during congressional testimony showing that pharmaceutical giant Moderna knows its Covid mRNA shots cause cancer.

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, testified during a hearing on Capitol Hill led by Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).

During his testimony, Malone presented the patent for Moderna’s Covid vaccine.

Moderna’s patent shows that its COVID-19 vaccine vials contain billions of DNA fragments.

Those fragments, along with other contaminants, are linked to birth defects and cancer.

In the patent, Moderna admits that contaminants in the shots cause cancer.

However, as Malone highlights in his testimony, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) apparently ignored this admission when approving the shots for public use. more

15 Comments on Moderna Admits Covid mRNA Shots Cause Cancer, Testimony Reveals

  1. Add another adverse event to the ever-growing Vaers data (that is being ignored and normally would require pulling a drug after 50 or so events). These Not-A-Vax’s were never approved except for EUA, meaning ZERO liability. Gee, what could possibly go wrong with that scenario?

    Prison for every Big Pharma exec., employer, and government official involved in this evil nightmare.

  2. I never took any of the Covid Jabs and have stopped with other vaccines because my complete loss in trust of any vaccines pushed by the US government. I have enough health issues with old age, I don’t need government lies to make life more trouble for me.

  3. Me neither. No more vaccines of any kind.
    Didn’t get the Covid jab and quit the flu shots prior to that.

    My liberal friends line up and take whatever their doctors suggest without questions. It’s the darndest thing to behold. Zero skepticism. Zip. None.

  4. Feb. 7 — the upcoming first anniversary of Pfizer killing my dad.

    Late March, early April 2021 — two shot gene TheRapy.

    Three-quarters of a year of coughing, and progressive leg weakening.

    Jan. 2022 — pneumonia and paralysis result in hospitalization.

    Feb. 2022 — released to nursing home for leg rehabilitation.

    Apr. 2022 — Pfizer booster.
    Apr. 2022 — a trip a week later to the hospital with a loculated pleural effusion.

    Three-quarters of a year circling the drain.

    Feb. 7, 2023 — Deceased

    Death Certificate Cause of Death — Prostate Cancer

    Epilogue — Dad had Rheumatoid Arthritis, an autoimmune disease. Why would medical “professionals” recommend a TheRapy designed to provoke an immune response to someone with an autoimmune disease? That’s correct. The Soience is fucking retarded.


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