Moderna’s Experimental HIV Vaccine Could Begin Human Trials as Soon as This Week – IOTW Report

Moderna’s Experimental HIV Vaccine Could Begin Human Trials as Soon as This Week

Will they become mandatory?

Science Alert:
Moderna will start trialling its experimental mRNA-based HIV vaccine as early as tomorrow (19 August), according to a new submission to the US National Institutes of Health Clinical Trial registry.

The Phase 1 trial will reportedly involve 56 healthy adults aged 18 to 50 who do not have HIV, and will test the safety of the vaccine as well as look for a basic immune response. The vaccine candidate is functionally similar to the mRNA system that’s been so successful in Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine.

For years, researchers have been investigating the potential of mRNA vaccines, but the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are the first to have been used in humans, and both have been shown to be safe and broadly successful at preventing and reducing severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Moderna will be trialling two versions of its new vaccine candidate, officially called mRNA-1644 (the variant is known as mRNA-1644v2-Core). This is the first mRNA vaccine against HIV to be trialled in humans. 

There will be four groups as part of the trial – two receiving a mix of the vaccine versions, and two receiving one or the other. MORE HERE

h/t Helen.

17 Comments on Moderna’s Experimental HIV Vaccine Could Begin Human Trials as Soon as This Week

  1. They also are looking at a new mRNA vaccine for RSV – a common cold with kids in mind.
    The FDA has given the thumbs up for a flood of new drugs to hit the market with limited testing and it isn’t just the EA for the covid jabs, recently an Alzheimer’s drug was rejected 18-0 by the FDA expert panel but the FDA overrode and approved.

  2. What kind of question is that?
    Are we not all closeted homosexuals?
    Transgender inquisitive?
    Bored suicidal miscreants?

    Until he is “deposed”, Biden* is our lord. There is that.

  3. “The vaccine candidate is functionally similar to the mRNA system that’s been so successful in Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine.”

    They’re kidding, right? Are they not counting adverse reactions?

  4. Transhumanism is the goal of Satan in order to win his eternal struggle with humanity’s creator. Maybe God will finally turn his back on humanity if they are no longer physically human.

    Sounds crazy and farfetched to you? Having an American national election stolen was crazy on November 2.

    Having a pandemic with people going bugfucking nuts over a virus that is 99.7% survivable sounded crazy before December 2019.

    Having Americans piss away their freedoms and allow government total control over movement, occupation, and family interactions sounded crazy before March 2020.

    America and Americans are now obsolete and our government is illegitimate with a dodering old fool for a president and a woman known for her oral sexcapes as VP.

    Go figure we’re certainly ” as in the days of Noah..”

  5. I know this thread is about mRNA for HIV, but it is connected to mRNA for covid. In fact, this article makes me wonder if the covid jab is a human trial for other viruses, as well.

    I had covid in November last year and had no symptoms other than loss of smell. Why would I want to introduce a synthetic genetic code to compete with my natural anti-bodies? As it stands now, I do not want to be a human trial subject for future pharmaceutical profits.

  6. BTW you’ll know the excrement has met the air transfer device when the first (if it hasn’t already) church announces the need for a “vaccine passport” to attend worship or receive communion.

  7. Jethro August 19, 2021 at 6:35 pm

    I have successfully avoided HIV for 40+ years by staying away from fags. It’s simple.
    Why would I need a jab for that now?

    No Jethro, only fags will get the vaccine along with prostitutes. I call this a win-win, just like Trump got 80+ million Dimocrats to get the jab. What could go wrong? We’re already seeing the consequences of the covid jab, now let’s see the consequences of the AIDS jab. 🙂

  8. Obsolete man if I ever were in a church that required me to have proof of vaccination against COVID just so I could attend their services I would be out of there faster than their head could spin. And I would probably like Jesus in righteous anger overturn their unrighteous, unholy apple cart on the way out. My reaction wouldn’t be pretty in telling them to go to Hell and worse. These self righteous Pharaseeical bastards are not God and never will be.

  9. @ geoff the aardvark: Jesus drove the money-changers out because he said, ‘My house will be a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves. …

    I’ll add to that thieves part: Backstabbers, authoritarian on doctrine, operated by Satan’s minions. Come out of her my people! God accepts you as you are, no one else is involved or chould be involved.


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