Mollie Hemingway explains why Dems are now ‘in a pickle’ when it comes to questioning election results – IOTW Report

Mollie Hemingway explains why Dems are now ‘in a pickle’ when it comes to questioning election results

BPR: Democrats and their media allies have found themselves in a cognitive dissonance quandary about election integrity, journalist Mollie Hemingway has suggested.

“Dems are in a pickle. They REGULARLY question elections, but have been asserting 2020–which we all know was unlike any in our history–is beyond question. Recent tangled rhetoric is an attempt to reclaim their long-held stance of doubting GOP election wins,” she wrote on Twitter.

As part of a damage-control effort, White House press secretary Jen Psaki has been making the TV rounds, including on ‘The View,” in attempt, among other things, to clarify President Biden’s comments at his press conference last week that the 2022 elections may not be “legitimate” unless Congress passed so-called voting rights measures.

With Democrats Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin joining all the Senate Republicans in keeping the filibuster threshold as is, the legislation is stalled, perhaps permanently. If enacted, the Dems’ proposal would eliminate voter ID across the country and allow ballot harvesting everywhere as well as universal mail-in balloting. read more

8 Comments on Mollie Hemingway explains why Dems are now ‘in a pickle’ when it comes to questioning election results

  1. “…..would eliminate voter ID across the country and allow ballot harvesting everywhere as well as universal mail-in balloting.” If these are indeed acceptable to the vast majority of voter eligible citizens, we indeed are in real trouble.

  2. The plan could not be more obvious, and (as much as I hate the evil bastards) the global elite are smart strategic planners.

    I’m not referring to any head of state, politician, the Pedo, or even the Magic Half Negro. They are all just meat puppets.

    I’m saying the hidden global cabal are merely attempting to remove every impediment to ensure every illegal border jumper can vote.

    The Pedo deliberately opened our borders thinking that the filibuster would be killed and HB 1 would pass and the Demonrats would be in power forevermore.

    That’s why it was HB1, Nazi Nans most important priority was to permanently rig all future elections. She wanted to die in that seat.

    That is why there is super vitriolic, nuclear hatred of Manchin and Sinema.

    Those two Demonrats saved America (albeit temporarily) from the maw of Satan.

    That was the plan and those two will be destroyed for thwarting it.

    Now that S&M (*pun intended) have cut off the 3 heads of the current Hydra (filibuster/HB1/BBB) they only created a hundred little heads in their place.

    The satanic triumvirate of Pedo, Piglosi and Shitmer will try to feed us the elephant one leg at a time now.

    Fortunately time is not on their side before November neuters the Pedo and casts the other two demons aside.

    They are in a full panic now and war and other crisis is coming so they can stop the vote in November.

    The cabal never sweats a loss, they just regroup, reset, and play the long game. Look have far we have fallen since 1873 when the latest version of the cabal was formed by Lucifer.

  3. Not quite, Republican want to take American voter’s rights, limit voting places, end mail-in during a pandemic they created, end drop-off ballot boxes. This all CRAP jackas trump started. He told all his base not to mail in ballots. His time of freedom is running short.

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