Molon Labe + Maple Leaf = Restricted in Canada – IOTW Report

Molon Labe + Maple Leaf = Restricted in Canada

Rebel Media: Canadian gun control just reached peak insanity.

A firearm has just been arbitrarily deemed prohibited because it has the words “Molon Labe” and a Maple Leaf etched on it.

Our top cops, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police — is an unelected body who should be tasked with enforcing the law — but instead, they get to make the law when it comes to the classification of firearms.


16 Comments on Molon Labe + Maple Leaf = Restricted in Canada

  1. Thats almost as funny a Cal DOJ releasing private information on Certified Rifle a Pistol Safety instructors. Basically all the information you would need for a complete background check. They released it to NPR on a public information request. But Kami Harris sent me an apology letter and a years free membership to a credit check out fit. Fucking assholes.

  2. I’m not surprised. The Liberals under Trudeau the Younger are in power and I suspect the cops (at least some of them) figure they can give greater reign to this sort of bullshit.

  3. Justin Trudeau’s mother was a whore. He might be Mick Jaggar’s kid. In any case it wouldn’t bother me too much to hear news that a group of wolverines tore him to shreds and partially ate him. Douche bag deserves it.

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