MOM 4 PRESIDENT! 2016 – IOTW Report


mom 2016


11 Comments on MOM 4 PRESIDENT! 2016

  1. at least that mom had some real world experience with todays real problems.

    not like hillary, who’s only real world experience is to hide her e-mails from the public.

    when was the last time hillary cleaned a toilet? and having huma mop up hillary’s drunken puke from the rim doesn’t count.

  2. Well, my mom certainly wouldn’t have taken any mess at 1600.

    I can’t see her doing anything to ISIS but nuking it. She would have taken a pickaxe to LBJ’s “Great Society” programs. And she was as svelte, gorgeous, and beautifully dressed as Mooch is fat, ugly, and sartorially challenged.

    JWV in 2016! Sure we can elect a deceased candidate. What do you think Ouija boards are for?

  3. I’m going to run as her VP. As soon as I get the kids’ lunches packed and get them to school. Oh, but first I have to change out the laundry. And put away the yard toys that were left out all night. And empty the diaper genie. Oooooh but then I’m going to need to take out all the trash. So right after that. Well, maybe first I’ll get the breakfast dishes in the dishwasher and get it going, since it’s so full, and of course I should probably check my email, since I work from home on Thursdays, just to make sure there isn’t anything pressing on the work front. And then…then….

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