Mom Goes Too Far With Dark ‘Elf On The Shelf’ Prank – IOTW Report

Mom Goes Too Far With Dark ‘Elf On The Shelf’ Prank

KFI: Plenty of households have had an ‘Elf on the Shelf‘ hanging around this holiday season. The recent yuletide tradition sees one of Santa’s little helpers in a different place in the house each day as it watches kids to tell the big guy if they’ve been naughty or nice. It’s fun for children but after a while it can get a little tiring for parents to have to come up with new spots to hide the elf. By Christmas Day, plenty of moms and dads are over it, and one had a unique but very dark way to express her feelings.

Her name is Shannon Renee and what she did was arrange some chicken wing bones on a plate in the shape of the elf’s body. She topped them with the elf’s hat and put grease on the dish, as well as a knife and fork, so it looks like the meal was freshly consumed. Shannon wrote under the pic, “Someone please do this and record the kids when they find it.” MORE

14 Comments on Mom Goes Too Far With Dark ‘Elf On The Shelf’ Prank

  1. I lmao, She Who Must Be Obeyed lhao, my children ltao, my children’s spouses ltao, my grandchildren ltao, one of my grandchildren’s husband lhao too

    … that’s what well-adjusted people do

    btw, we’re all over the age of 12 … physically

  2. Well, now, it depends on the individual kids, doesn’t it?

    Having as one of my earliest childhood memories flipping through the family stack of Charles Addams cartoon books, this sort of prank would have been funny to me.

    Other kids, maybe not so much.

  3. @Uncle Al ~ when I was a wee lad we’d go to my Uncle Harold’s (he had 3 fetching daughters, 1 older, 1 my age & one younger … ah, the memories of ‘spin-the-bottle games that ended up w/ hide-the-salami shenanigans) … uh, where was I? … oh yeah, Uncle Harold had stacks of Playboy’s in the reading rack, below the coffee table, stuffed in the settee … remember being introduced to Addams within those gatefolds of the perfectly perceived feminine pulchritude

  4. Kids are pansies today. That is very minor to the stories we were told as kids and of course passed on to our own kids because if we had it done to us then they were getting it done to them. lol
    This would not have scared my kids at all they would have laughed that the snitching elf was a dead elf now.

    There was another thing going around this year where you could put your kid on the nice or naughty list, call Santa and him give them a message about being nice or naughty. One Dad shared his kids reaction on FB after they were put on the naughty list, of course the kids who looked to be around 8 or 9 were crying. People had a shit fit about how horrible that was to do to your kids.
    Hell, no spanking your kids, no yelling at your kids, no grounding your kids and now it’s even cruel to have a fake Santa tell them they’re on his naughty list and if they don’t get off it, he’s going to fly on past their house. It’s really not surprising all the little brats I see running around stores and restaurants, screaming and crying since there are no consequences for anything they do, even if it’s fake consequences.

  5. “~ when I was a wee lad we’d go to my Uncle Harold’s (he had 3 fetching daughters, 1 older, 1 my age & one younger … ah, the memories of ‘spin-the-bottle games that ended up w/ hide-the-salami shenanigans) … ”

    You hid the salami in your cousins? WTF


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