Mom of Benghazi victim rages: Hillary is lying! – IOTW Report

Mom of Benghazi victim rages: Hillary is lying!

sean smith - benghazi

Patricia Smith, mother of victim Sean Smith, told CNN that Clinton promised her answers during the casket ceremony but never got back to her.

11 Comments on Mom of Benghazi victim rages: Hillary is lying!

  1. What a lying, hypocritical, piece – of – shit bitch. I bet she always returns calls from rich donors.

    Mrs. Smith, you just have to accept the fact that you and your honorable, patriotic, selfless son are just “everyday Americans””–whose vote Madame Ex-Secretary now ardently courts.

    If Hillary was running against the Devil and you voted for him, I would completely understand.

  2. Guys like Sean Smith are what makes America great. One of him is worth more than all of the elected ass holes. This hearing is a big damn cya for a bunch of worthless weak sisters. It makes me angry and sick all at the same time.

  3. I’m surprised CNN had her on. The Left made Cindy Sheehan the poster mom of the Iraq War to attack Bush, but can’t be bothered with this grieving mom. She isn’t useful to their agenda. They are despicable with Obama and Hillary leading the pack.

  4. The GOP smells a lot like Whig, I say we kill it, bury it and start a new party.

    Governor Walker!

    The Republican party started in Ripon, lets have a funeral there for it and start our replacement party in the same town,

    Any ideas for a name people??

  5. Saw her on FNC last evening. Another outrageous insult to this mother, is the State Dept tells her she is not immediate family to her deceased son, and they used that excuse to refuse to answer any of her questions.

    She is correct when she stated they don’t care. They being the Obama admin, the State Dept, and the demorat party.

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