Mom Whose Daughter Was Allegedly Killed by MS-13 Gang Member Has a Brutal Message for Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Mom Whose Daughter Was Allegedly Killed by MS-13 Gang Member Has a Brutal Message for Joe Biden

Western Journal-

Under the leadership of President Joe Biden, the situation on the southern border has collapsed, and now one angry mother has a message for the president.

According to Fox News, Tammy Nobles of Maryland lost her 20-year-old autistic daughter Kayla Hamilton after she was allegedly murdered by an illegal immigrant who was a member of the notorious MS-13 gang.

She is set to testify before Congress about the situation at the southern border, but before that, she had this firey message for Biden. more

10 Comments on Mom Whose Daughter Was Allegedly Killed by MS-13 Gang Member Has a Brutal Message for Joe Biden

  1. From the link: “If there was a more secured border and individuals coming here was [sic] properly vetted, my daughter would still be alive today,” Nobles said. “They let her down.”

    “I want them to be properly vetted,” she continued. “They need to be able to check their background, not for crimes in this country, but also crimes in their country and where they came from.”

    This is a “brutal message”?

  2. “She is set to testify before Congress about the situation at the southern border…
    She might as well be talking to a wall for all the good it’s going to do
    we’ve been and are continuing to be invaded and the genius residing in the white house, as well as his cohorts in congress are doing nothing
    there is, unfortunately, only one remedy for this

  3. “Instead, however, in the name of STEALING YET ANOTHER ELECTION AS THEY PERMANENTLY TRANSFORM AMERICA WITH A REPLACEMENT POPULATION THATS ACCUSTOMED TO TYRANNY s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶w̶o̶k̶e̶ ̶a̶g̶e̶n̶d̶a̶, Biden and the Democrats have flung the door wide open,

  4. Gerhardt
    AT 10:50 AM

    “we’ve been and are continuing to be invaded and the genius residing in the white house, as well as his cohorts in congress are ̶d̶o̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ARE DELIBERATELY MAKING IT WORSE”

  5. I don’t want them vetted.
    I want them sent back to whatever shit hole they came out of.
    None of them are coming in lawfully.
    I don’t care if they are humanly sent back, or air dropped sans parachute over their continent.
    We have no vacancy!
    Do like all the F-ing Dems and Karen’s were demanding a couple years ago..”Stay the f**k HOME”.


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