Mommy Whitmer: “Behave or I’ll ground you longer” – IOTW Report

Mommy Whitmer: “Behave or I’ll ground you longer”

 Patriot Retort: I don’t know what’s worse – Gretchen Whitmer acting like a busybody neighbor or Gretchen Whitmer acting like everybody’s mommy.

In response to Michiganders protesting her draconian, capricious Stay at Home orders, Mommy Whitmer is threatening to extend the lockdown if they don’t behave.

Like a mother who grounded her kids then threatening to extend their grounding. more

33 Comments on Mommy Whitmer: “Behave or I’ll ground you longer”

  1. I have an older sister NUT that thinks like that NUT.

    We don’t talk and I’m cool with it. It seems like a lot of people have a governor, or older whatever these days, that they would not like to talk to, but ‘give a good piece of their minds to’.

    Thanks grandma!

  2. It’s sad to think so many people out there don’t know who Gladys Kravitz is…even sadder to think there are so many people out there just like her.

  3. This woman, sorry you iotw ladies, is like dry ice, can be toxic to touch and inhale, talk about a virus:

    “If dry ice is stored in an area without proper ventilation, it may cause people to inhale large amounts of the gas CO2, which displaces oxygen in the body, the CDC says. This, in turn, can lead to harmful effects, including headache, confusion, disorientation and death.” source LiveScience.

    Whatever you do, do not touch it, especially mentally.

  4. The storms brewing here and she’s going to find herself resigning soon. The people of this state are becoming fed up with her crap. She’s soon to discover the first protest was a dry run. Probably every 2 of 3 people I’ve spoken with is ready to chase her out of office, literally.

  5. So what can be done about it?

    How long till she’s up for reelection and what are the chances of getting rid of her? Have the people of Michigan changed or will they just reelect her or install someone that is the same in her place?

    And if she is removed, will there be anyone any better to replace her? Have the people of

  6. I’ve only been to Michigan once (drove a U-haul to Grand Rapids and flew back the same day). Maybe I should drive there this week and just drive around and around and around with Kansas plates. If I get questioned I’ll just say that we misplaced Dorothy Gale and thought Wicked Witch Whitmer might have her……Hell, gas is cheap and I don’t really have anything pending since I vacuumed out my dogs navels…..

  7. There is a pic of Her from the side…And She looks like the Joker

    sans make up…I think She’s ready for Her Recital….just trying

    to measure what size Piano Wire She wears…Missollini?

  8. This is unconscionable. “Do what I tell you or I’ll make it worse on you”. This is the very definition of tyranny. If she extends the lockdown, she needs to receive a forcible tar-and-feathering. I’ll leave it to others to debate if that sort of punishment stops too short of what she really should receive.

  9. Bitch digging in her heels is what I expect from VA Gov Northam.

    Look what KKK Northam did after 2nd amendment protest in Richmond. Evil bastard was even more motivated and signed EVERY anti2a Bill.

    It might be time to go silent until November.

    Exact revenge on Election Day. With extreme prejudice. Make the democrats suffer mightily in an electoral bloodbath.

    If we lose in November…. there are no rules.

  10. She is a dummy smiling Bobblehead. Or a Clown in a Box, wind it up and KABLOOEY…SCARY! Pop goes the Weasel.

    And I like the Bobblheads I have, Jefferson being one, in his hands is a DoI, ” when in the course of human events it become necessary to…

  11. Jimmy – “Someone in Michigan needs to spank her bare bottom.” Oh, Jimmy! Yuk. Just plain YUK! Go wash your brain out with soap! 😉

    Horatio Prim – “This woman, sorry you iotw ladies, is like dry ice…” I’m not offended by what you said. No need to apologize, because you are correct!

    MI Gov term is four years. I don’t think she will survive two more years. At least, I pray she doesn’t. I can’t remember a more despised governor we have had.

  12. Lisa Ann needs to come out of retirement and do a parody film Yah?.
    She should eat all the donuts she can prior to the shoot
    And some taters, too
    Lots of taters

  13. Texas had a bitch Democrat governor once named Ann Richards. When running for reelection against George Bush she was way ahead until she said the unspeakable. She was asked by a reporter why she wouldn’t sign the concealed carry law that had been passed by the legislature and was overwhelmingly supported by Texans. She answered, “I don’t care what the people of Texas want, their not gettin’ it!” In a matter of three weeks, George Bush overtook her in the polls and won. He signed it as soon as he got into office. Ann Richards burns in hell!

  14. @PHenry – well you just posted the best scene Hollyweird might have created, within a great movie, lets say post 1970 for the sake of any pending arguments…

    That movie/book needs constant EXAMINATION. When does the irrational sound more sane than the rational?? And when that happens, what do we do? The look of absolute contempt by Ratchet to their fun is very revealing. She was a wonderful actress for that.

    The look of confidence by Martini @3:40 to Mac is emotional to me and very endearing and trustworthy.

    I do not want to spoil the end of the movie for anyone that has not seen it, so don’t watch the below,…and it’s not pleasant for some, but liberating for others?

  15. Where the Fuck is Kid Rock when you need him?

    Kid, Get on this Byatch and send her a shit storm!

    People in Michigan listen to you.

    Shame her on Twater or whatever you use.

  16. Claudia – that’s what my Mom used to say. Plus the soap thing – but in the mouth. 🙂

    (Yeah, my 5’10” Mom could have flipped her over, spanked her and then washed her mouth out, leaving her standing there like an blithering idiot.)

  17. From what I have read, Herr Whitmer is facing 2 federal lawsuits, and it looks like a few more may be on the horizon.
    Tar and feathers would be too good for this slag.


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