Moms Can Solve ANY Problem – IOTW Report

Moms Can Solve ANY Problem

15 Comments on Moms Can Solve ANY Problem

  1. The egg donor told me if I married my husband that I would be miserable for the rest of my life. We’ve been married for 50 years. She’s been so wrong on many things, I wouldn’t call her lest I get steered in the wrong direction.

  2. Of course Mom’s can fix everything. Good Mom’s. And when they come across something they can’t fix, they contract out and call their husbands. That usually makes husbands happy because good husbands really do want their wives to be happy!

    “Jimmy, go tell your Dad that I need his help.”

  3. My mom was a master at bandaging up wounded and injured kids since she had 4 boys. She was a whiz with butterfly bandages and once had to unstick my youngest brother from a small animal trap that was in a neighbors garage that he stepped into when they were goofing off, my brother still has that trap. She took it all in stride though and helped us to all grow up more or less normal. She also could put up with all the critters we brought home and not get too upset although the time she found a skinned snake in the freezer that my next brother caught and was going to eat freaked her out, he had to get rid of it. I miss her a lot since she died last yr. right about Mother’s Day at almost 93. Raising 4 boys wasn’t easy but she did a good job along with my dad for 65 + yrs., they were married almost 66 years. from 1952 until last year.

  4. Years ago, when I was trying to cook my favorite dish that Mom used to make, I had to call her. It was chicken and dumplings and the dumplings just weren’t coming out right. Quick phone call fixed it!

    I just returned from seeing her at the nursing home. I enjoy the chance at reversed roles; I am now the comforter. I have a friend who took care of his mother until she passed. He said the last time he talked to her he told her, “I love you”. Then she told him, “I loved you first”.

    Jimmy and geoff the a, sounds like you grew guys up in normal, loving homes. God bless your parents!

    AA, I think Geoff C is right!

  5. @Goldenfoxx: Damn, 50 years is a long time to be miserable. Don’t know how you were able to stand it.


    @willysgoatgruff: When I was a kid, iodine burned like fire. Merthiolate (otherwise known as Mercurochrome) did not. I always lobbied for the latter whenever I had a cut.


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