Mom’s Sobbing Plea To Biden Who Put Son’s Life In Peril – IOTW Report

Mom’s Sobbing Plea To Biden Who Put Son’s Life In Peril

Populist Press:

In his first week in office, President Biden’s administration froze a plan that was promoted by the Trump administration as reducing the cost of insulin. In doing so, he raised the cost of the life-saving medication to around $1000 per month, which isn’t manageable for most families, especially in a massive economically deprive epidemic that’s impacted millions of American’t livelihoods. more

17 Comments on Mom’s Sobbing Plea To Biden Who Put Son’s Life In Peril

  1. Dear Mom,

    Thank you for you and your son’s blood sacrifice to the state and collective good. Raising the prices of life saving medications is how we pay back or big pharma donors and also how we maintain control over the general population. Unfortunately we now have to place you on a watch list because your vid is counter to the Current Truthᵀᴹ. We can’t have you posting these kinds of stories that can potentially startle awake the brain washed liberal masses or fire up the worthless, lazy, intellectually challenged, do nothing but bitch on their computers conservatives. We like them all right where they are.

  2. For those of us who are insulin resistant and must take high doses – this is a significant burden w/o health insurance – with it the co-payments can add up fairly quickly.

    My rx would cost me over $1500 a month under Biden’s plan. So Joe thanks for looking out for me.

    According to the Emanuels (even though I’m not 75) I sure just die.

    That’s why I have no problem saying I’m obsolete.

    BTW – The ewection was stolen.
    BTW – The ewection was stolen.
    BTW – The ewection was stolen.

  3. Fraud Biden, is a worthless puppet who has no concern about America, his only mission is kissing the butts of Political Supremacists around the world and insuring they only get richer. The price in human lives and way of life is of zero importance. This is the way and intent of the democrat.

  4. ..if you ever saw someone in otherwise reversible diabetic ketoacidosis for lack of insulin, you’d realize what a TRULY disgusting thing this piece of shit is doing to people here, and it will fall on the poorest the heaviest and is in NO way optional, althogh there WILL be those that sicken and die because they are financially forced to TRY to treat them as though they were…

  5. I am shocked. I could have sworn that the democrats are always running on the principle that they are for the little guy.

    Why don’t the conservatives throw this back in their faces? We need more like Rep. Boebert.

    Here is a clue to Republican candidates, don’t be afraid to call out the left.

  6. You think democrats care about your tears? As much as people with morals feel (and experience) your pain, you are attempting to deliver a message to a *President and political party that is morally bankrupt.

    Know what they understand? Anger. Violence. Blood. Riot. Get angry. Get in their face. Shout down their speeches. We had four years of it, and how it’s time they tasted the bitter medicine they prescribed.

  7. The Junta that hijacked our country (the GOPe is in on it) are destroyers: that’s their only goal. Life is low-stress for these scumbags, because they have no pressure to elevate the nation, only piss and shit on it, and make fortunes in payoffs by the ChiComms while they’re donig it.

    Biden has lost his mind, and that whore Harris has no mind. The destroyers will continue destroying.

    The ONLY politican we seem to be able to trust (aside from Cruz, Nunez, Jordan and the like) is Donald J. Trump.

    The rest are utterly disposable.

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