Monarch butterfly may get 'endangered' status – IOTW Report

Monarch butterfly may get 'endangered' status

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that it will review whether the monarch butterfly should be included on the endangered species list. MORE @ Washington Examiner.

I can’t wait to see how the Feds are going to stick it to the taxpayer.


11 Comments on Monarch butterfly may get 'endangered' status

  1. So how many years in jail will a person face when they catch one of these in their grill of their vehicle? Will they set the sentence by number monarchs splatted on the window or by how times the motorist choose not to swerve of the road to avoid one?

    This could be quite unenforceable.

  2. All brought to you by the Crossgates mall, constructed on top of the Monarch butterfly sanctuary, located in the Albany Pinebush area.

    So it only took around 30 years to practically wipe them out.

  3. Don’t let Fish and Wildlife hear you claim the scads of monarchs on your property. They’ll demand you plant five varieties of milkweed in your back yard and never cut the lawn again. You’ll no longer be a property own but a butterfly habitat maintainer, out of your own pocket.

  4. Doc hits on the Holy Grail. Doesn’t the Monarch also have a twin?

    Like the EPA trying to say a puddle is a protected wetland, this is just another way of watering down your property rights.

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