Monica Cannon-Grant Update – IOTW Report

Monica Cannon-Grant Update

Monica Cannon-Grant Deletes First Hour Long Live Video Since Indictment, Says She Tried Killing Herself 3 Times, Vows Revenge On Rachael Rollins And Other “Respectable N Words.”

[Monica Cannon Grant is a social activist and community organizer in Boston.]

Turtleboy Daily News:

I told you people that it was only a matter of time until Monica Cannon-Grant ignored the advice of her lawyers and did a Facebook Live rant that she would delete an hour later. Today she proved me right with this 78 minute tirade (that she removed shortly afterwards) calling out Rachael Rollins, Ayanna Pressley, Julia Mejia, and lots of other people for not helping her get the 18 felony charges against her dropped.

She really is the dumbest, most predictable criminal of all time. And no one can wind her up and make her dance like Turtleboy can. All you have to do to keep her going is just keep writing about the crazy things she says and does. She simply doesn’t have it in her to invoke her right to remain silent. She truly believes that the more she talks the more she can sway public opinion, because for years it effectively got the media and politicians to portray her in a positive light.

But those days are over now and she’s having a tough time coming to terms with it. No one who matters is around to help her out. No one is donating to her. All the powerful people cut ties because she’s bad for business, and she’s now finally realized that our reporting is the reason this all happened. more

14 Comments on Monica Cannon-Grant Update

  1. If there is one knee-grow on the face of this earth that I do not need an update on, this person is leading the pack.

    But only by a nose because I’d include almost all the others right behind her.

  2. What Democrat politician isn’t bat crap crazy. Manchin and Sinema might be the exception- for now.
    The Demtard Boston gifter who is digger herself deeper into criminal procecution deserves to be locked up in a prison cell ASAP.

  3. @Tim – FJB

    This Tub of Shit is so stupid that she researched Suicide by Subway and ended up eating everything in the Sub Shop.

    All she got was heartburn.

  4. “Anyone who don’t he’p me get deez here felony charges dropped be in cahootz with white supremacizts & shit yo’!”

    — Monica “Harriet Tub-o-Shit” Cannon-Grant

  5. Hyphens gonna hyphen. Every city over a million in population has at least one of these. Thankfully, they can be rendered invisible by avoiding local news media and social media.

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