Monica Lewinsky Praises JAY-Z For Speaking About His Infidelity – IOTW Report

Monica Lewinsky Praises JAY-Z For Speaking About His Infidelity


JAY-Z (it’s all caps now) recently dropped an album, which revealed a bunch of juicy stuff, like the fact that his mother is a lesbian.

Apparently, JAY-Z also spoke out about his infidelity on the album, with lyrics like “This is my real life… I just ran into this place and we built this big, beautiful mansion of a relationship that wasn’t totally built on the 100 per cent truth and it starts cracking,” “You egged Solange on, Knowin’ all along, all you had to say you was wrong,” and “I’ll f*** up a good thing if you let me, Let me alone, Becky.”

Those lyrics have earned him praise from a very interesting figure: Monica Lewinsky– the woman who had an inappropriate relationship with KING of infidelity.


10 Comments on Monica Lewinsky Praises JAY-Z For Speaking About His Infidelity

  1. And who exactly places “JAY Z” as a sage of our times? I think it’s the same people who update their facebook while driving in traffic. Who walk off piers holding their silicon god (IPhone) in front of their faces.

    Who can be identified by the way they hold their phones in their hands from three hundred feet, as it masters them, controls them, demands they suffer no other God.

    I’m pretty much not shittin’ about that. Whole lotta’ these idiots have no idea what they look like to people outside the miasma of social media.

    They are pod people and don’t realize it.

    Who called it an “IPod” to start with?

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