Monkey Pox Isn’t A Threat – IOTW Report

Monkey Pox Isn’t A Threat

Host L Todd Wood speaks with Dr. Kelly Victory of The Wellness Company on the threat Monkeypox poses to humanity.

13 Comments on Monkey Pox Isn’t A Threat

  1. No, the government does care about you, your money anyway, and taxes to take it from you and give it to them. That’s why they, politicians, all want a way into your wallet by hook or more likely by crook. It’s open scam season now year round. Wake up.

  2. Covid wasn’t a threat either. The progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement has only one playbook, its tattered and worn pages contain nothing but variations on the same theme. Create a “crisis,” or an illusion of a crisis, then exploit it to advance their own agenda.

  3. Think about it, AIDS was no more threat than Acid Rain, than was Covid, than is Global Warming, than was the Coming Ice Age than is anything else the bastards are wringing their hands and crying crocodile tears over.

  4. Monkey pox isn’t a threat, it’s a promise brought to us by our “betters” at NIH and the WHO.

    One a these days these fukin assholes will accidentally-on-purpose hit on something really dangerous!

  5. When they say a virus is “weaponized”, what they really mean is that it’s been “federalized” or “globaiized” into a tool of the Rules-Based Order. The governments of the world can’t really “weaponize” a virus to make it more lethal. What they can do is create deadly “antidotes” and force those on people, or frighten people into taking their concoctions.

    For all their vaunted “bioweapons” prowess, TPTB can’t create a supergerm that is deadlier than nature; They can only spend our money trying and failing, then spend more money creating the illusion of success and the poisonous “solution” to their creation.

    Having said that, I am somewhat disturbed by the cottage industry which has popped up to feed on skeptics’ fears. Don’t be stampeded by anyone, no matter which side of the virus wars they may be on. There are more real, and more immediately threatening schemes and problems staring us in the face.


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