Monkey See, Monkey Doomed – IOTW Report

Monkey See, Monkey Doomed

Washington state to follow California and ban the sale of new gasoline cars.


SEATTLE — The transition from gas to electric is picking up speed. California plans to ban the sale of new gasoline-powered cars starting in 2035 and Washington state officials said it will also adopt the rules.

Gov. Jay Inslee tweeted Wednesday, “We’re ready to adopt California’s regs by end of this year.”

“This is a critical milestone in our climate fight. Washington set in law a goal for all new car sales to be zero emissions by 2030 and we’re ready,” said Inslee.

California’s plans would require all new cars, trucks and SUVs to run on electricity or hydrogen. No new gas-powered vehicles could be sold after 2035. The policy was approved Thursday by regulators. The policy still needs federal approval, though it is likely to happen under President Joe Biden’s administration.

“Whenever they put out a new rule we have a direction to follow that, “ said Washington Department of Ecology Climate Policy Section Manager Joel Creswell. “States can either set their own limits that match the federal rules or they can match California’s rules.

Washington state said in 2019 the state would adopt California’s zero-emission vehicle rules in accordance with the federal Clear Air Act. more h/t Illustr8r

33 Comments on Monkey See, Monkey Doomed

  1. The thing is, maybe a state can try to mandate banning gas vehicles, but it simply can’t be done at a national level (and likely not at state level either). WA probably would have the best chance, being small and having a plentiful supply of electricity – unlike CA. FJB estimates that in 2050 only about an eighth of vehicles will be electric, including hybrid – I am sure largely because of production constraints.
    But they can force gas prices up, we know that for sure.

  2. What I don’t get is why the automakers are buying into the enviro-whacko-driven electric car experiment. This is an artificial tampering of a free market based economy. Neither the supply nor demand are there to make this successful. The enviro-extremists are forcing both into our economy. It will fail disastrously, and the auto makers risk going out of business when it does.

  3. Brought to you by the Bellevue Boys Club who ran the Republican establishment in 2004 and participated in the daylight theft of the gubernatorial election. Even though it was their own fair haired boy who was cheated, anyone who paid attention knows the score.

    They were motivated by malicious intent (as they always are). They can’t even hold their own “safe” districts these days, but are still controlling the Washington State Republican Party. Dan Newhouse was their hand picked choice for Representative. That tells you everything you need to know.

  4. IF IF IF…. The entire world suddenly stopped whatever
    they were doing and concentrated their $$$,work force and
    all the minerals/rare earth metals they own and did nothing but produce batteries for electric cars just for the city limits of Houston they would fail……

  5. @stirrin the FJB Pot:

    What I don’t get is why the automakers are buying into the enviro-whacko-driven electric car experiment. This is an artificial tampering of a free market based economy.

    The automakers absolutely DO NOT want a free market based economy. Their lobbyists write the regulations and statutes just the way they want them and the result is that they make a lot of money without all that troublesome bother of competition in the marketplace.

    Just as the FDA/CDC are controlled by the pharmaceutical industry, so are DOT/EPA controlled by the automakers, power utilities, and NGOs.

    Read up on “regulatory capture”.

  6. Right UA. GM has a new battery technology and they broke ground on their mega factory last year. They shared the tech with Toyota but these regs are all about limiting competition

  7. As usual fuck Inslee, Wash. state does not need to follow California over the deep end of stupidity. And ma gaia can go to hell as well. Man-made globull warming is a total scam and nothing but progtard feel good bullshit. Idaho is looking better and better as a good place to retire to.

  8. @Uncle Al –
    I understand the corporations’ desire to remove market risk. That wasn’t my point. My point was that anytime you tamper with natural law of supply and demand, you add the risk of unforeseen and/or unintended consequences,

    Yeah, the pharmaceutical companies may have driven the whole covid scam, but the unintended consequence has been a huge increase in distrust of the healthcare industry. There may be short term windfall profits, but in the long run, they self-inflicted a potentially serious wound. And now they are attacking each other, as Moderna is suing Pfizer.

    Same will hold true with the auto industry. They may reap short term and short lived profits, but when the artificially propped up electric auto market collapses the legacy auto makers will have nothing to fall back on. And mark my words, the market will collapse. In today’s global economy, electric vehicles can only survive as a niche market.

    When the public experiences the secondary effects of the number electric vehicles the enviro-whackos want on the roads – the inherent limitations of batteries, power grid outages, skyrocketing electric costs, environmental impact of producing and disposing of batteries, not to mention the geopolitical impact of who controls the component resources – the people will revolt.

    And in the end, Ford, GM and Chrysler will have put all their eggs in the electric basket.

  9. Uncle Al/stirrin

    From an auto manufacturers stand point, this is a cash cow. 1/3, or less, moving parts. By the time you remove all the smog and exhaust parts on a modern fuel burning car, probably 20% of total parts. Sales prices are about the same as a fueled car. And you need a lot less people for assembly. Most major cooperation have a very short sited horizon. Meaning they could care less if it lasts.

  10. Brad, have you been following the Diablo Canyon story? Poor Newsom doesn’t know whether to scratch his watch or wind his ass. The cleanest most economical and safest method of producing energy and all the green freaks are after him to shut it down by 2025. He probably figures he will be president then, so no worries.

  11. “…would require all new cars, trucks and SUVs to run on electricity or hydrogen.”

    Well, gasoline and diesel are HYDROcarbons, which are compounds of hydrogen, so I think I found a loophole…

  12. Brad, you just described exactly what I\’m talking about. In the short run they will have windfall profits – whether because of reduced manufacturing costs or government subsidies or a combination of both (with the sales price remaining constant). But what happens when the consumer revolts and demand craters, and all their eggs are in the electric basket.

    I can see where state mandates, such as California\’s proposed law, will artificially prop up demand. But the voters will eventually revolt and overturn those laws. And again, what do the auto makers fall back on – long term?

  13. @Me – “…And again, what do the auto makers fall back on – long term?…”

    What a silly question, I have my own answer: Government bailouts. I hate the government.

  14. This is a determined strategy to destroy America’s, and ultimately the world’s, industrial capacity to produce internal combustion engines and anything related to internal combustion engines, including fuel and spare parts (for those who are lulled by the notion that they can keep their old cars running).

    As to hydrogen as a fuel. It is best when coupled with carbon. By itself, it is volatile, has a very low energy density, doesn’t store well, doesn’t transport well, destroys metals and seals. If we are going to spend the energy to produce hydrogen, we might as well “recycle” carbon and make clean, stable, high-energy synthetic, carbon-neutral hydrocarbon fuels.

    Of course, it won’t realize the dream of watermelons everywhere, destruction of big bad oil. That is why CARB is being allowed by Congress to do an end run around Congress. These fanatics know they have no broad popular support, and that they will lose most of that once the realisation sets in.

    They know if they can destroy the manufacturing capacity, through regulation and blocking investment and access to conventional sources of funding, even if their policies are reversed next year or in 2025, it will take decades, if it is even possible, to rebuild.

  15. Brad
    AUGUST 27, 2022 AT 3:25 PM
    Uncle Al/stirrin

    “From an auto manufacturers stand point, this is a cash cow.”

    …AND, you have to throw them away every 5-8 years for lack of battsry, they have ZERO trade in or resale value for lack of battery, and there will be NO used car market for lack of battery!

    …pretty good deal for NEW car makers!

    …also, people like ME will lose even BIGGER. The batteries such as the one in the “Jpm
    AUGUST 27, 2022 AT 2:45 PM” post for the Blazer above are MILEAGE limited. This example is an 8 year OR 100,000 mile warranty. I put 45,000 miles on a car I bought LAST YEAR already to get away from the Democrat county I was in, and still have a job in my skill set.

    Guess I’d have to buy an electric car, NEW, every 3 years because all that weight would rag out the suspension in that milage even IF a replacement battery was available.

    …and keep in mind that batteries get worse over time and in cold weather, so the available power won’t be the same one month to the next, let alone one season to the next…

  16. Wait until the feds strongarm lenders into not lending for ICE cars. Naturally, the woke lenders will do it willingly.

    They’ll go after auto parts manufacturers and sellers to make repair parts for ICE cars unavailable. States that don’t go the way of CA, WA and NY (you know it’s coming) will end up looking like Cuba. Which should make communists the world over rejoice.

    Gotta take the U.S. down a whole lot of notches if the dreams of equality are going to be realized.


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