Monkeypox—Eight Weeks To Stop The Spread – IOTW Report

Monkeypox—Eight Weeks To Stop The Spread

American Thinker:
By Anony Mee

The question:

If refraining from sexual contact for three-to-eight weeks could save lives and put a stop to suffering in your community, would you do it?

The history:

Monkeypox is an animal virus that can be transmitted to and between humans. In 1970, the first human case of monkeypox was identified in a child in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It has appeared since then mostly in tropical African countries. The 2003 outbreak in the U.S. was via infected prairie dog pets that had been housed with infected animals imported from Ghana. Most outbreaks outside of the African continent have originated from contact with travelers from Nigeria.

The science:

The current monkeypox outbreak is, almost exclusively, a sexually transmitted disease. The World Health Organization has declared it a disease of global public health importance. The cohort being infected during this outbreak is the MSM community. No, not the mainstream media; the men who have sex with men. Nowadays I guess that would be the males (XYs) who have sex with males (XYs), although anyone in intimate contact with an infected person can get it.

According to WHO, the disease has an incubation period of as few as 5 and as many as 21 days. The first symptoms are fever, intense headache, swollen lymph nodes, back pain, muscle aches, and extreme fatigue. The skin lesions usually appear within 1 to 3 days of the fever. more

16 Comments on Monkeypox—Eight Weeks To Stop The Spread

  1. Oh, by all means proceed. Shut down bars and other gathering places, quarantine even the unaffected…they should wear masks too…perhaps full body condoms too…

    …eight weeks, times 75, carry the one, divide by Me. Scionce’ IQ…12 years ought to do it.

  2. Answering The question, yes I would.

    However, the homosexual crowd and their enablers / celebrators are acting as though the gay community’s members’ very sense of identity has at its core continuous, frequent sexual encounters. It seems for these people, the answer to The question is a loud NO! because it would be equivalent to self-destruction.

  3. No bull queer is going three weeks without tearing out an anal sphincter or a dozen. The cum guzzlers won’t quit either, they’d die of thirst. So, skip it, they wouldn’t respond to HIV, they aren’t going to respond to a cute little disease like monkeypox.


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