Montana: Board orders California couple to remove home in Glacier Park – IOTW Report

Montana: Board orders California couple to remove home in Glacier Park

Hungry Horse News: The Flathead Soil and Water Conservation District Board Monday night found a home that’s under construction along the banks of McDonald Creek is in violation of state law and ordered it be removed by Nov. 1.

The home is owned by John and Stacy Ambler of San Diego, California.

About 17 people filed complaints against the home, claiming it violated the Montana Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Act, also known as the 310 law.

On Feb. 27, representatives of the conservation board, along with the owners and a Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks biologist examined the home, which is about 20 feet from the creek.

They determined the stream bank been excavated in violation of the law.

In addition to ordering the removal of the home, the board also required the Amblers to obtain a 310 permit — the permit that’s necessary to do any sort of work near a stream in Montana — to tear the home down.

The Amblers never applied, or received, a free 310 permit when they began construction. more here.
h/t illustr8r

22 Comments on Montana: Board orders California couple to remove home in Glacier Park

  1. They must’ve figured that since they weren’t in Califonica any more it was just undeveloped wilderness, populated with savages and bears….arrogance or ignorance, Calicas please stay home.

  2. Not looked so there is that to take into account
    Just curious

    Did they just pick a spot and start building?
    Or do they own the land?

    Just in case ; in advance
    If they own the land, all of it
    And they are building a house to live in
    And probably have their own self-interest in taking care of their homesites land
    And . . .
    If they own the land, and are Citizens
    And their crime is building too close to the edge of a cliff
    And you want to stop them because what?

  3. California Libtards, “OH, you mean that law applies to us too?”. I’ve seen that behavior before. This is stupid. Where’s there septic tank? You know what direction they say shit flows. Even without the Stream Bed Preservation act, I doubt they’d get those house plans approved thru the county just for the Septic Tank placement. These people are idiots. I’m smelling some crooked county employees that got paid off.

  4. Does it matter that John and Stacy Ambler live in San Diego and wish to live in Montana?

    Property owners should know they don’t really own the property.
    They just rent it by paying property taxes.

    Even if you think you own the property, you are subject to federal, state, Regional, district, county, boards, and the rules, regulations, permits and approvals dictating who, what, where and when you can build on the property in question.

    The illusion of who owns the property, their rights on that property and freedom are just that, an illusion.

    Big, small, restrictive,regulatory government wins, personal liberty be damned.

  5. Although I am an interior designer, under law, I could architecturally design up to 5,000 sq.ft. before an architect is required. The couple made the number one mistake of not checking the local building code or bylaws or the relevant federal mandates. I could care less about this idiotic couple’s financial distress now.

  6. Twenty feet from a creek? That is retarded, sir.

    Haven’t these fools been watching “Yellowstone”? They’re lucky to be alive lol

    BTW, I’m in Utah right now, and they haaaaate the California squatters. They do tolerate us Southerners, though.

  7. They used to build houses that lasted for centuries right over the waters edge and made water power. For Bread.

    Brad takes a more Corp of Engineers stance what with rules and regulations and, of course, fees.

  8. I have a home with fifteen acres that a young California couple have been trying to buy. In fact, we are supposed to close by the end of today. The sale has dragged on for nine mouths. If they can’t make it happen by the end of today, I don’t care if they are out on the street. Screw them!

  9. I have friends who moved to Montana 2 years ago. They’re whining about shoveling snow. It amazes me how people spend a lot of money for new digs but they don’t do their homework. It happens here as well. A couple from back east bought a house in Santa Cruz, CA. The home they bought is on a bluff, it’s now 1/2 way into the ocean. Total loss, insurance doesn’t cover slides. 4 houses next to theirs has been red tagged, they’re going in the ocean too.

  10. They used to hate Californians in Oregon, until they became the majority there, and turned it blue. They hate them here in Arizona too. Just drove down to Phoenix yesterday; holy shit, it looks just like LA. I’m starting to see a pattern.

  11. Tony R

    Do the math. You ran out of Californians to blame long ago. Here locally in NorCal I see a ton of Washington plates and New York plates. They’ll live here for a while and move to your zip code next. Brain dead Libtards are the problem. And California does not hold the patent on them.

  12. You’re exactly right Brad, if they had building permits when they are reviewing those they would have told them about all the different laws and rules that affect them including FEMA.

  13. I Googled Flathead County building department. They don’t have one. However if you’re going to build you need to apply for a site review administered through a state agency in Kalispel. It looks like you need some sort of approval by Fish and Game in some cases too.
    I’m thinking that California couples going to get rich IF they followed the required procedure.

    ht ps://

  14. I don’t care who lives where, who moves where, as long as you’re a citizen of the US, or here legally on a visa. Politics change every 4 years. Some things we have control over and some things we don’t. Every State was locked down. Mattered not who you were (except Piglosi, Newsome, etc.) Republican, Democrat, mattered not, we lost our freedoms. The people we voted for did a good job in dividing this country, pitting one against the other. The jab played a role in dividing us further. Yet, here we are complaining about who lives where, and a citizen being frowned at for living their dream. Brad is right, that California couple is going to get rich IF they followed the required procedure. I hope they get a free house, bigger!

  15. 40 years ago backpacking as a scout in the high sierras. 30 miles in we stop for water at a small creek with good flow. canteens are out, scoutmaster gives a heads up. someone intentionally chit in the creek. big turd nestled in the rocks with toilet paper and all. as scouts we spent hours cleaning the soiled waterway.
    i remember being perplexed by the situation. i could not fathom why someone would do such a thing. i now realize there are people in this world who relish the idea of others eating their chit. literally and symbolically.

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