Montana: Feds Confiscate Guns in Flathead Valley With 30 Vehicles, Three Tanks, and Helicopter – IOTW Report

Montana: Feds Confiscate Guns in Flathead Valley With 30 Vehicles, Three Tanks, and Helicopter

Montana Daily Gazette:


What provoked this Montana raid?  Doe’s former girlfriend from North Carolina filed a restraining order (a civil matter, not criminal) against Doe in that state claiming he was homicidal, suicidal, a threat to her, and had bomb-making materials with the intention to cause harm.  She also claimed he had booby traps all over the home and the surrounding property.  But none of this was true. more here

h/t NAAC

27 Comments on Montana: Feds Confiscate Guns in Flathead Valley With 30 Vehicles, Three Tanks, and Helicopter

  1. I’d like to know the circumstances-the complete who, how, why, etc.- around the filing of the restraining order.

    The article doesn’t seem to say, but what was the reason for his arrest and detention that he was given a personal recognizance release from, there has to be a stated reason (charge) being made here.

  2. If a woman makes a complaint it should be counted as true … or some wording with similar meaning, recently repeated by queen bee Pelousy.
    Yeah, right. I hope she goes to jail and must pay the expense her lie has cost.

  3. It occurs to me that one set of security sensors and cameras is at least one too few. A second setup more carefully hidden, and with operating characteristics hard to detect (quiescent recording and burst transmission to offsite receiver(s)) would be good.

    Any conservative FFL, especially a vocal one, might be well advised to give careful thought to a setup that could “get the word out” even if SS-like enforcer thugs such as the ones in this infuriating story decide to raid.

  4. Every household in the nation is chock full of bomb making material. The only things missing are the knowledge and the intent. The knowledge is easily acquired and horse shit raids like this will sooner or later supply the intent.

  5. I know it takes Two to Tango, but women can be such conniving bitches,🤨 just look at some of the examples around us. The women of The View, VP Kamel Toe Hoe Harris, Pelosi, Liz Cheney, Rachel Madcow and Hillary Clinton just to name a few.

  6. @Miss Kitty

    Don’t be too hard on the womenfolk – far worse are “male” liberals and “male” socialists because they are completely chicken who act tough, and destroy things, only when part of a mindless gang.

    I say in this case the Feds, all men by the looks of it, are worse than the GF for carrying out the raid and doing her dirty work.

  7. “Every household in the nation is chock full of bomb making material. The only things missing are the knowledge and the intent.”

    Actually it is perfectly legal to have “bomb making materials” unless it can be proven they were intended only for illegal purposes and not for legitimate ones (i.e. making your own model rocket engines as long as they are less than 2.2 ounces of propellant weight, or even ammunition reloading).

  8. This will be a primary template, get a liberal relative, “acquaintance”, pissy EX, or nosy neighbor to inform law enforcement with an exaggerated threat, then go for the private weapons.

    The VA will be weaponized to declare vets a danger to themselves or others and then go for the private weapons.

    Make no mistake they are intent on disarming all white 2A patriots, Christians, and vets by painting us as crazy racists.

    The narrative has already begun..

  9. “it can be proven they were intended only for illegal purposes”

    Innocent until proven guilty is a nice concept. Ask the guy in Montana how that’s working out for him.

  10. “none of Mr. Doe’s ammo was listed on the inventory of confiscated items”?

    I guarantee those jackbooted thugs STOLE all the ammo and sold it at local flea markets. They wouldn’t sell it on legitimate sites like Gunbroker because then there’s a paper trail and involves mail fraud laws.

  11. Wow.

    This guy is set for life. Talk about reparations. Mr. Doe might end up owning FedGov after all the lawsuits are settled.

    Oh…and his ex is probably going to enjoy the view from her prison cell for a long time to come.


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