Montel Williams’ strange infatuation with killing critics – IOTW Report

Montel Williams’ strange infatuation with killing critics

Montel Williams On GOP’s Health Care Position: ‘Just Shoot ‘Em’.

Montel Williams tells Michele Bachmann to slit her wrist and kill herself.

Montel Williams, a left wing media whore last night urged the National Guard to shoot and kill the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge protesters or ‘occupiers’.

Story @ FireAndreaMitchell

12 Comments on Montel Williams’ strange infatuation with killing critics

  1. These loons are o.k. with having unwashed, diseased liberals occupy city parks during Occupy Wall Street, but want to shoot people who are occupying an empty wildlife refuge in order to protest the persecution of a rancher family by Federal agencies. Clearly, Williams’ views are so perverted as to render him dangerous.

    Progressives hate people. Once anyone realizes that progressives hate people and wish them dead or enslaved, then their political positions make more sense.

  2. “These loons are o.k. with having unwashed, diseased liberals occupy city parks during Occupy Wall Street, but want to shoot people who are occupying an empty wildlife refuge in order to protest the persecution of a rancher family by Federal agencies. Clearly, Williams’ views are so perverted as to render him dangerous.”

    Earlier today I saw that point raised to a milennial know it all leftist, along with current BLM thug-ins. His response, in its entirety: “That’s different.”

  3. It is different to a libtard and so is the constitution. In the eyes of a libtard, the constitution has different things meanings for everyone especially them. It’s a wonderful living, breathing instrument full of amazing things like rainbows, fairy dust, unicorn farts etc…

    This is the reason for their incoherence regarding the rule of law and government.

  4. Montel struggles for relevance now that his gig doing payday loan ads has ended. Ah, how far the mighty have fallen. (Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.)

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