Months After $20 Minimum Wage Law, California Fast Food Workers Want Another Increase – IOTW Report

Months After $20 Minimum Wage Law, California Fast Food Workers Want Another Increase

GP: Months after the state of California passed a law mandating that restaurants pay their employees a minimum wage of $20 an hour, the state’s fast food workers are angling for another increase.

In a proposal that would likely see increased pressure on the Golden State’s struggling restaurants, the California Fast Food Workers Union want an hourly rate increase of $0.70 to come into effect in January. more

17 Comments on Months After $20 Minimum Wage Law, California Fast Food Workers Want Another Increase

  1. Unions seem always to want to decrease their own suffering by increasing everyone else’s suffering. And because the union bosses get paid disgustingly well for their larcenous efforts, the total general amount of suffering actually increases. GFY.

  2. I can see restaurants ending up only as high-end eateries at some point.

    Once again, Gov interference raises the price of everything and will edge people out of the market.

  3. $0.70 increase won’t even keep up with inflation! Damn those fast food workers all to Hell. What are they thinking? /s

    Make your own food at home and stfu. Brad’s right. Slow learners.

  4. The question remains; will all involved allow the process to play out, union heads collectively bargain with management through negotiation (as it should be), or will rapacious bureaucrats, emboldened by cash contribution infusions from the unions, put their foot on the scale and illegally mandate it in Sacramento?

  5. Newsom pushed through the highly illegal wage fixing for an entire industry. Since when does the government determine how much an employer should pay in a specific industry. Unless that Government is a socialist government. To make matters even more interesting Newsom is part owner in just such a business. He exempted his eatery and one of his largest donors eatery. If you tried that bull shit in the private sector you would be serving time.

  6. There’s an old saying: pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered. These hogs will be replaced by robots – if there is even a viable fast food business left that people are willing to spend a small fortune on for a lousy meal.

  7. Go into a fast food place in CA and you won’t see a teenager working there. Almost all are now immigrants with most not being able to speak English. My first job at 15 was KFC. Good luck to a high school kid looking for a job.

  8. Starbucks:
    Mocha Frappe Caramel Pumpkin Spice Espresso with a Swirl of Whipped Cream & Syrup = $23 + Tip & Tax

    Luckily,this Does Not affect me as much:

    I like my COFFEE like I like my WIFE:

    At Home & Without Someone Else’s Dick in it

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