Months After Gutting Police Budget, Portland Mayor Asks For $2 Million To Stop Surging Murder Rate – IOTW Report

Months After Gutting Police Budget, Portland Mayor Asks For $2 Million To Stop Surging Murder Rate

Palmieri Report-

Democratic Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler submitted a request to the Portland City Council on Thursday for a one-time $2 million expenditure for police, months after the council voted to cut nearly $16 million from the police bureau’s budget.

Wheeler, who previously advocated for the Portland Police Bureau’s budget to be cut, cited a dangerous surge in gun violence throughout the city as the primary reason for requesting the funds, according to the Oregonian. more

18 Comments on Months After Gutting Police Budget, Portland Mayor Asks For $2 Million To Stop Surging Murder Rate

  1. AND YET……some of the voters fail to understand that 2+2 does NOT equal 5, removing a penis DOES NOT equal a female,
    Caucasians getting a suntan does not equal “less white.”

  2. My hard-earned tax dollars should have to pay for Leftist incompetence and stupidity… but they will with brain-dead, crooked Jackass Joe and his Communist handlers in the White House! These idiots will run thru Other People’s Money like shit thru a goose!

  3. Simple. Just take your $2M request out of the $16M defunding you just passed.

  4. Civilization only exists because of the enforcement of laws.

    You combine an immoral people with no laws or worse – capricious, selective enforcement and The Gods of The Cooybook Headings start cracking their knuckles.

  5. The best cops on the Portland Police Force have left or are leaving in droves. Add to that having the immunity removed from policing across the country where the cops can now be personally sued. Then you get cops that are afraid to arrest anybody.
    I’m thinking this is so they can create massive chaos so the government can do what Obarky wanted to do, federalize the cops across the Nation.

  6. A quote from British Field Marshall Montgomery when some German generals, after surrendering, complained about how horribly the Soviets were treating the German soldiers and general population: “You should have thought about that before you invaded them.”

    The stupid Portland mayor should have thought about what would happen when he defunded the police and refusing federal help that was offered by our President Trump. Flaming idiots run that evil place.

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