Moonbat Art: Hobby Lobby Aborted Baby Jesus – IOTW Report

Moonbat Art: Hobby Lobby Aborted Baby Jesus


Recently Ron English uploaded a video depicting a baby Jesus doll hanging from a coat hanger with a sign saying: Hobby Lobby Aborted Baby Jesus.

It is unclear who orchestrated this vandalism or who produced the video. But Ron English just happened to go to the exact Hobby Lobby where these dolls were placed:



10 Comments on Moonbat Art: Hobby Lobby Aborted Baby Jesus

  1. But make a comment which the protected classes interpret as being somewhat “off the reservation” for one of them and they will demand your job. Fuck them.

  2. I’m sure this will bring millions of people who were formally on the fence to the clearly lucid, rational, and sane perspective of the person who put those on the shelves. Gosh!… Progtards are so smaaaaht. Not like everyone says.

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