Mooney Beats McKinley in West Virginia primary – IOTW Report

Mooney Beats McKinley in West Virginia primary

Wa Ex: Rep. Alex Mooney defeated Rep. David McKinley in a member vs. member West Virginia Republican primary Tuesday — another win for a candidate endorsed by former President Donald Trump.

Both McKinley and Mooney currently represent West Virginia districts, but the state’s redistricting process shrunk the Mountain State’s three-member delegation to two, losing one of its three House seats due to heavy population loss over the past decade. GOP Rep. Carol Miller represents the 1st Congressional District.

After redistricting, both members chose to compete in the 2nd District. Trump endorsed Mooney in the race, but the consolidated district, spanning the northern half of the state, includes more areas currently represented by McKinley. But Mooney’s Trump endorsement appeared to overcome McKinley’s structural advantage in the district. more here

11 Comments on Mooney Beats McKinley in West Virginia primary

  1. Richard Grenell is going off the rails on Twitter at conservatives who aren’t fans of Dr. Oz. Trump hasn’t made many bad picks but Oz is one. And Grenell is epitomizing the fanatic that makes every other Trump supporter look bad.

  2. Soros, Soetoro, and the rest of Left can throw whatever crisis du jour they want in their attempts to create the fog of crises, so this has got to be driving them to 11 on the crazy meter. Oh happy day!

  3. How’s this for a conspiracy theory?

    Trump had trouble getting anything done because of the Dems and the RINOs in the House and the Senate, so he arranged for Ol’ Joe to steal the election. That results in the American people being totally pissed off and voting for candidates that Trump endorses. They get elected, and when Trump gets re-elected in 2024 he has a friendly Congress who will vote for his programs.

    Honest, I have not been smoking anything.

  4. @ Geoff C. The Saltine MAY 11, 2022 AT 4:09 PM

    Maybe you misread what I typed. I said nothing about him being a loser, just pointed out that Nebraska didn’t vote for his guy. Calm down a little.

  5. The Nebraska primary went just as expected. Big bucks spent on Ultra RINO Pillen, with 2 other candidates, Trump endorsed Herbster and Lindstrom. Herbster and Lindstrom split the anti Pillen group, to give Pillen the win.
    Pillen 88,000 votes, Herbster and Lindstrom combined 146,000 votes. Nebraska RINOs and Koch family are rejoicing.
    Pillen had massive mailers all from Americans for Prosperity funded by Koch brothers.
    Here is Tucker’s description of the Koch Bros.

  6. McKinley was a fifth generation West Virginian. Mooney is from the District portions of Baltimore, Anne Arundel/Montgomery and Howard Counties. Mooney has been in WV around 10 years. Yet, he won the primary.

    I’m telling you, folks. Something might be happening. However, Mooney saw the writing on the wall. Republicans need not apply.

    I lived and worked there, and had my own company there for 15 years. It’s all Dem controlled. They are mostly IDIOTS on guv’ment employee welfare checks. Most are very stupid vying for power in the non-producing guv’ment.

  7. Fine, sure.
    But how do we know any of Trump’s endorsements are any better than some of his staff picks were?
    Better vetting without any gargoyles in the house?
    Let’s hope so.

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