Moore endorsements – IOTW Report

Moore endorsements

Ben Carson Supports Judge Roy Moore for Alabama Senate.

“Judge Moore is a fine man of proven character and integrity, who I have come to respect over the years. I was delighted to hear he is running for the US Senate. He is truly someone who reflects the Judeo-Christian values that were so important to the establishment of our country. It is these values that we must return to in order to make America great again. I wish him well and hope everyone will make sure they vote on Tuesday.”- Dr. Ben Carson

Gorka: Roy Moore Victory Strengthens Trump — McConnell-Backed SLF’s Steven Law a ‘Yellow Belly.

“I’m supporting his agenda,” Gorka said. “This isn’t about who the president has endorsed with great pressure from Mitch McConnell. And let’s be accurate about what happened tonight – I was told Steve Law, who runs Mitch McConnell’s PAC for this race actually accepted [an invitation] to come on this show and when he heard I was coming on, he got a yellow belly and just ran. So, that tells you the establishment is afraid of the president’s agenda winning in Alabama on Tuesday.”

Women for Trump PAC Endorses Judge Roy Moore in Alabama Race.

Women Vote Trump, the largest female-run PAC to support Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, announced their endorsement of Judge Roy Moore for U.S. Senate on Friday, describing him as the “only candidate” who will stand up to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

16 Comments on Moore endorsements

  1. Judge Moore is a man of tested and rock solid character. His election will be a triumph for conservatives everywhere. The President’s recommendation is based of faulty information provided by Mitch.

  2. And Governor Palin and Sebastian Gorka and every other Conservative with a working cerebral cortex who wants to “drain the swamp” of RINOs like “Big Luther”. I think I know why President Trump is supporting that “Strange” RINO down in Alabama. I think he knows the good judge is going to win and is supporting Strange to keep his support in the Senate for tax reform until the election since he knows he’ll have Judge Moore’s support after he wins.

  3. O.K. I suspect Trump has made some sort of deal with Turtle Boy. And as time goes on I think he might really be pulling for Moore. Trumps Daughter In Law recorded a Robo Call message for the rally. Totally forgot to mention Strange. During the rally Trump said he could work we either one of them. Then you have Sarah Palin showing up to campaign for Moore. I don’t think she would go against Trump with out some encouragement.

  4. An unyielding, I am right, I am the most of the mostest conservative candidates is too Cruzy for me. BB is no longer BB, and they love him.

    Why do PT supporters think they know better than PT?

  5. Do you guys really think McConnell wants someone who supports PT to win?

    McConnell gave money to Strange BECAUSE he has to go with tradition of giving the incumbent Senatorial money. You all are playing right into McConnell’s strategy if you vote for the only guy so far who, if he wins, will take political capital away from PT.

    Go right ahead and vote for the good and wonderful divider that BB is tripping all over itself to endorse. The never Trumpers are stealing your vote.

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