More classified info found in new Hillary eMails – IOTW Report

More classified info found in new Hillary eMails

Years Later, More Illicit Hillary Clinton Emails Emerge.

Breitbart: It has been more than three years since President Donald Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, but all of Clinton’s emails at the center of the email scandal that plagued her failed presidential campaign have still not seen the light of day.

But on Friday, conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch announced the FBI produced 37 new pages of Clinton emails demonstrating she mishandled classified information and used text messages for official business as well.

Judicial Watch announced in a press release on Friday:

Judicial Watch today released 37 pages of new Clinton emails recently found by the FBI that show former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used her unsecure, non-government email to transmit classified information. The new emails also show Clinton used text messages for government business. The documents, produced to Judicial Watch after a review by the State Department, include 13 new Clinton emails. The State Department did not provide information about where the emails were found; why they were not previously produced; or if additional records are anticipated. Last month, a Justice Department attorney could not tell a federal court judge how and where the FBI discovered the new cache of Clinton emails. The State Department previously claimed it had produced all releasable Clinton emails, including emails recovered by the FBI that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or withhold. The State Department initially claimed all responsive emails had been produced in 2018, but then found more emails which were produced, for the first time, early last year. Then in November 2019, the State Department first disclosed to the court that the FBI had found this latest batch of emails.

The 37 pages of new emails that the FBI discovered were made public Friday thanks to Judicial Watch’s litigation against the State Department, as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit the organization has been waging against the government for more transparency on this. read more

19 Comments on More classified info found in new Hillary eMails

  1. At this point in time, what difference does it make??
    This “revelation”, and others of its ilk, are meaningless, until the Crone of Chappaqua is actually wearing a orange jumpsuit. Which we all know will never happen.
    Its like saying “Oh look! The devil has another flame sprouting from his eyes.
    Wake me when something actually happens.

  2. I’m wondering if Trump just doesn’t want to face the possibility of charging her with treason and where that may go for Hellary: prison or something even worse.

    He let her off pretty early in his administration. I don’t think he wants to go that route.

    Personally, I would love to see her wrinkled turkey neck hang from the highest tree.

  3. She totes didn’t mean to do it guys! She was trying to send pictures of herself in her newest lululemon yoga pants to Huma. Huma, of course, was eager for some self rubbing while momma Clinton was away. Anything classified in there was totally unintentional, honest!

  4. I’m with D.

    What dif does it make at this point?

    She is still free & running her mouth, unless that is the point,

    that the more she talks, the more she pisses off swing voters.

    America Bob, I HAD a full stomach! My fault for having Blue cheese dressing on my salad.

  5. I agree with you. This is getting so old and exhausting to say the least. All of that time looking into Hilary and her emails and her the foundation, etc. NOTHING has changed. She is still living an extremely comfortable life (I should say more than extremely comfortable life). Hillary, Billy Cigar and now her daughter (not their) are living fine lives and still making money and laughing. I’m sick over it but pray everyday there is something in the works to stop them.


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