‘More damning’: Lindsey Graham hints at significant declassification related to Russia investigation – IOTW Report

‘More damning’: Lindsey Graham hints at significant declassification related to Russia investigation

Wa Ex:

Another declassification of secret information related to the Russia investigation appears to be on the way.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said on Sunday to “stay tuned” for more after he released records showing British former intelligence officer Christopher Steele’s main source for his anti-Trump dossier was the subject of an FBI counterintelligence investigation a decade ago.

“There’s a day of reckoning coming just stay tuned, and there’s more coming, there’s something else coming, more damning than this believe it or not,” the South Carolina Republican said during an appearance on Fox News. Graham’s panel is running an investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation alongside one in the Justice Department headed by U.S. Attorney John Durham.

Graham recently made public declassified documents showing the FBI had previously investigated Steele’s main source, revealed to be U.S.-based and Russian-trained lawyer Igor Danchenko, as a possible “threat to national security” due to his connections with Russian intelligence. The same Steele source later cast doubt on the reliability and credibility of Steele’s dossier.


13 Comments on ‘More damning’: Lindsey Graham hints at significant declassification related to Russia investigation

  1. So, we’re gonna hear about yet another outrageously illegal thing done to fuck over Trump, and we can look forward to NOT A GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING PERSON INVOLVED BEING CHARGED!!!

    Fuck this shit.

  2. TheMule is right. This has dragged along for too long. Our corrupt DOJ has no idea how ,or desire, to fix it. Close them down, flush any former staff members and do a restart with fresh blood.

  3. Well there is closure coming all. If Trump does win and the fuckers don’t get tarred and feathered… Everyone will know it’s all rigged. And final decisions will be made. I think Barr and company know this. There will be justice one way or the other. Keep ur chin up people.


  4. TYTY @Gladys and just Spit-balling… I think Trump will Disband the FBI as constituted. That’s why he’s left so much of the leadership in place. What good is this agency that can’t video record “302” interviews who follow terrorists all the way to scene of the crime. The US Marshall’s and ICE is all we need.

  5. Ole Yeller, Here boy, here boy! Wake up, get off the porch. I’ll throw the ball, again. You run and get it. When you bring it back, I’ve got bacon for ya. Are you ready?

    Ole Yeller, lays his head back down, and goes back to sleep. Remembering he hasn’t yet gotten a smidgen of bacon. And has grown tired of this game of false hopes. And is soon dreaming of Clara who also demanded to know, “Where’s the beef?”

  6. Miss Lindsey is in trouble, even his constituents are sick of his bullshit. Now he’s doing the McCain shuffle, talking tough about what he’ll do while never intending to follow through and at the same time begging for campaign donations. What a complete scumbag.


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