More Dem Candidates Against Pelosi for Speaker – IOTW Report

More Dem Candidates Against Pelosi for Speaker

Breitbart CA:

Two more Democrats running for Congress said on Tuesday that they would not vote for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to be the Speaker if Democrats take back the House.

Ohio Democrat Danny O’Connor, who is running in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District, told MSNBC’s Chris Matthews that he would not support Pelosi if elected and Democrats take back the House.

“We need change,” he said. “We need to have new leadership on both sides.”

Matthews asked, “You’re not voting for Pelosi?”

O’Connor, who is running in a District Trump won by double digits in 2016, answered, “No.”

Max Rose, the Democrat running in New York’s 11th Congressional District, told CBSN on Tuesday that he would also not vote for Pelosi. Rose, who CBSN noted is running in the only New York Congressional District Trump carried in 2016, said Democrats are “in urgent need of new leadership.”

“The party has lost the trust of voters, not only in my district, but throughout the country, and believe me, if you separate the parties and you just look at our policies — infrastructure, equitable growth, lowering per capita health care costs — those policies have massive support,” Rose reportedly said. “But we’ve got to move towards being also a party that can garner people’s trust and keep it, and we’re not going to accomplish that without new leadership,”

When asked if he would support Pelosi, he also said, “No.”  more

10 Comments on More Dem Candidates Against Pelosi for Speaker

  1. say it ain’t so. There is so much to like about Nancy. The way she slurs her words, forgets the present presidents name, the way she loses her train of thought and the light speed that she can locate a hot mike. Oh I’ll miss her comedic commentary, her grandiose opinion of herself and her pathetic leadership of her party. Damn is she going to be hard to replace.

  2. Promises promises.

    Her lordship does not mind people saying what they need to say to get elected. That the 1st, middle and last play in any democrat election playbook. Her lordship will destroy any who oppose her power once they are elected. That is the first thing freshman democrats are told when they get to DC.


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