More Emails: Fauci Recommended Canceling Religious Services While Supporting Cruises – IOTW Report

More Emails: Fauci Recommended Canceling Religious Services While Supporting Cruises

Western Journal-

Earlier this year a little-noticed documentary called “The Last Cruise” hit HBO and HBO Max.

The Hannah Olson-directed feature was short — only 40 minutes, according to’s Robert Daniels. The film, assembled with cell phone footage, documents life on board the cruise liner Diamond Princess on a voyage of Asian waters that began in Japan on Jan. 20, 2020 — “the same day when the World Health Organization first reported cases of COVID-19 appearing outside of Wuhan, China,” Daniels noted.

He added that Olson “teases out the claustrophobic fears felt by the passengers and crew, and the bleakness that sprouts when facts are being hidden. The Diamond Princess’ captain might say the situation is ‘under control,’ but when the white hazmat suits do appear at the port, and the stream of suite doors denote the infected by simply saying ‘COVID-19,’ the officials’ opaqueness can only elicit worry for those on-camera.”

After the ship spent 27 days in quarantine in Tokyo Bay, there were a total of 13 deaths and 712 confirmed cases on board, according to Worldometers. The case garnered international attention and became an early symbol of the deadliness of the novel coronavirus.

On March 9, 2020, though, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told Americans that it was safe for most people to go on a cruise.

In light of the Diamond Princess experience, that should have been irresponsible enough, especially considering the overcautiousness the left now venerates St. Fauci of NIAID for. However, now that we have a trove of Fauci’s emails thanks to a Freedom of Information Act request, we know that four days earlier, Fauci recommended the cancelation of religious services when contacted by the head of the National Institute of Mental Health.

In a message sent to NIMH Director Joshua Gordon on March 5, Fauci wrote, “You should counsel the rabbi to cancel the services this [redacted]. Are the local/city/state health departments [redacted] doing any contract tracing?” more

14 Comments on More Emails: Fauci Recommended Canceling Religious Services While Supporting Cruises

  1. This little bastard is the devil incarnate.
    He needs his lights punched out…COMPLETELY OUT!
    Someone who lost their parents should stalk and strangle this motherfucker.
    He is the highest paid piece of shit in our piece of shit government.
    This shit so so goddamn infuriating!

  2. Amazing how easy it is to get away with treason it is when you’re a registered Democrat. Here’s hoping somebody walks up and shanks him live during one of his media lie-fests.

  3. Sky News sez Da Fouch is: the Gold Standard of Double Standards.

    I would add that he is the gold standard of double standards, lying, pomposity, smugness and group think… to borrow from Tucker Carlson!

  4. @LBS

    You’re too soft on the prick.

    I’m more Vlad the Impaler.
    Put him live on a nice thick wooden pike up his ass and let him slide down slowly over a couple days.

    Then leave it as a warning.

  5. My cousin was the captain of a very very large cruise ship.
    He told me,”there is always something going around in those ships”
    In the water systems, drain systems, HVAC, and refrigeration.

  6. “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”

    Leave him to his just desserts.

    “Sinners do not fear death; they fear the revelation of the Living God.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Fucki now recommends wearing a mask… over your eyes, so you can’t read his emails.

    There’s really nothing in his emails that hasn’t already been reported, if you’ve been paying attention. Watchers already knew he was lying.

  8. I would like to see any emails / communications that were exchanged with Fauci and Pence. Note Pence is out there again in NH saying it was right to certify the election and crickets on the Fauci emails.


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