More evidence that Breonna Taylor was living on the dark side – IOTW Report

More evidence that Breonna Taylor was living on the dark side

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

When Breonna Taylor died in a hail of police bullets, she joined the pantheon of Black Lives Matter martyrs, men such as George Floyd, Michael Brown, Jacob Blake, and Trayvon Martin. Initially, she seemed anomalous because she was not engaged in criminal activity or resisting arrest when she died. New evidence, though, shows that, in addition to her relationship with a drug dealing ex-boyfriend (which is what caught the police’s attention), the boyfriend who shot the police was also a drug dealer. Taylor hung out with the wrong people.

BLM needed Taylor. While mobs were making shrines to George Floyd and congresspeople performed kneeling theater, other people observed that Floyd was a criminal who threatened a pregnant woman with a gun and had rotated in and out of prison. On the day of his death, he’d passed counterfeit money, guzzled illegal drugs, and resisted arrest. We also know now that the officers’ understanding of the situation and their decision to restrain Floyd was consistent with their training.

Jacob Blake was also a problem. Rather than being a loving father, he stood accused of sexual assault and violating a restraining order. Blake then wildly resisted arrest and attacked police with a knife. He may also have been planning either to stab the police or kidnap children.

Michael Brown, whose death triggered the Ferguson riots, wasn’t much better. The police were looking for the so-called “Gentle Giant” because he had committed a strong-arm robbery. When Officer Darren Wilson wanted to question him, Brown tried to steal Officer Wilson’s gun, justifying a self-defense shooting. read more

10 Comments on More evidence that Breonna Taylor was living on the dark side

  1. “More evidence that Breonna Taylor was living on the dark side”

    So that’s justification for a No Knock Warrant, which now they say they knocked, and shooting the shit out of the place? The main guy on the warrant wasn’t even charged. This smells like shit and always has. Elvira lives on the dark side too but no ones shot her ass.

  2. Breonna Taylor lived with a drug dealer. Probably dealt drugs herself since she thought being a thug was ok. Live like a thug, die like a thug. The ones responsible for her death was her and her boyfriend.

  3. you walk the shady side of the path.. you take the chance of realizing just how poorly your decision process was & how that failure has left you in deep krap-or how little your friends helped you in life more likely you just exit this reality – hard life – hard consequences & lessons in there if your eyes are open

  4. If your overlords will do it to her, they’ll do it to you. I would think she deserves her day in court. Or should we just start shooting the accused? After all, who’s making these accusations? Oh yea, the very same people that killed her.

  5. When someone knocks on my door the first thing I do is holler “just a minute”, if they yell back “police open up” my immediate response will be “on my way” and if they bust in the door I’m NOT shooting at them but I am saying “I told you I was on my way” as I’m lying on the ground. I definitely agree that No-Knock warrants need to absolutely cease, and if someone shoots at police, No-Knock or Not, the expected response should be to be shot. The key here is “the bad guy shot first”. As Pamela Geller famously said, “in the battle between the savage and the civilized man, always side with the civilized man”.

  6. Hanging out with criminals is like trying to slow walk across a busy interstate highway in the dark, dressed in dark clothing. Something bad is going to happen eventually.

    However, no-knock warrants seem to often result in shootings or killings that should not have happened. People who are often more asleep than awake probably don’t hear someone yelling, police, they only recognize several people are invading their homes in the middle of the night.

    I still recall a story from a several years ago. I don’t recall the city, an eastern city. The police had a no knock warrant for a residence on one side of town, but crashed into the wrong residence on the opposite side of town. Something like a warrant for East 3654 Smith St, but they entered the residence at West 3654 Smith St. I don’t recall if the warrant had the right address and the police went to the wrong address or if the warrant had the wrong address and the police entered the address on the warrant.

    Husband, wife and infant child were sleeping in their bedroom, less than half awake he attempted to defend his family from intruders they heard coming down the hallway toward their bedroom in the wee hours of the night. The police killed him. As I recall the only weapon he had was an antique pistol that he had more as a collectible than as a self defense weapon. It may have not been loaded or even operable. He apparently lived in a low crime area, and having a modern self defense weapon was not a high priority. And no reason to expect police would enter his home at 3 a.m. because he was not involved in illegal activities. If there was ever any punishment for killing a completely innocent and law abiding citizen. I never heard about it.

  7. why are people blaming the police?

    It was her boyfriend, a felon drug dealer with a gun, and one that she knew was a felon drug dealer with a gun, that started a gunfight with the police by shooting at them.

    Logic would seem to put the blame on the one that started the gunfight, at least the logic I use to analyze things would.

    I just don’t understand people anymore, maybe I’m just too old.

  8. …when I was just around 16 or so, I had an old Dodge Dart and one of “those” friends, the Eddie Haskell kind that just wants to cause trouble for the sake of causing trouble, and loved to embroiled ME in it with him.

    …well, one day we went to a record store at the Big University, which was ringed, out past the rich professor houses, dorms, Greek houses, and tacky off-campus apartments with impoverished high-crime minority communities, as these places tend to be. This meant that we had to spend some time, in my old Whiteymobile with our White faces hanging out, driving THROUGH the high-crime minority areas. This was not normally THAT big of a problem, as it was 19dicketysomething and we were well between riots then, but you DID spend parts of the drive at stoplights next to surprisingly large groups of local youts on the corners for all of your illicit drug-purchasing needs. As we were not actively seeking drugs and were obviously poor and not college students (old Dodge Dart with kids in it), mostly we were left alone.

    …well, one day, my troublemaker friend took it upon himself, quite out of the blue really, to suddenly roll down his manual window crank (old Dodge Dart, I had wing windows too), and yell at one such gathering “NIGGERS!” at the top of his lungs, just to get a response.

    Which he did.

    It was something like THIS…

    …well, I was QUITE taken aback for a moment, but I had the reflexes of youth, so I ignored the light, stomped on the accelerator, and got the hell out of there as fast as my single barrel carburetor would allow.

    Because they were only on foot, we lived to fight another day, but it COULD have gone differently.

    …let’s say I’d have put my foot in it and, instead, it had stalled, and they had caught us.

    I did NOT say that word.
    I was NOT thinking that word.
    I had NO idea my friend was going to do that.
    I would have stopped him or gone another way if I HAD.

    Do you think that would have made ANY difference to the ass-whupping I would have received?

    …no, because I was guilty by association. I was NEXT to the guy who did something stupid, and so would have shared his fate, even though I was completely innocent.

    That’s just how it works.

    Even if she WAS completely innocent, she was associating with a guy who was quick to shoot and used her for a human shield. Doesn’t make it RIGHT that she got shot, but also doesn’t make it SURPRISING that she got shot. If it wasn’t cops THEN, it would have been rival drug dealers LATER, with the same probable end except we would have never HEARD of her THEN.

    We ARE responsible for who we associate with. We are judged by who we know, and can die because of who we know. It’s not always “fair”, but it is a fact.

    Brionna was very well aware what her boyfriend was and what he did, and chose to remain with him anyway. This means that, knowingly or unknowingly, she accepted the consequences of associating with a drug dealer.

    And she suffered those consequences.

    We are ultimately judged by the company we choose to keep.

    Choose wisely.

    SHE had chosen poorly.

    And so her story ended.

  9. All the ‘laws’ enacted by our lawyers overlords have necessitated that the police execute their job perfectly, in every instance, with their lives on the line, for pay that would embarrass Walmart if the public knew.
    Yes, kindergarten teachers do an important job, but toddlers aren’t packing, and won’t bite the teacher knowing they have AIDS, Hep B or C, or rabies.

    That the “Just Us” System is hunky-dory with the revolving door shit-show they run, where a felon is out on the street in hours looking for the arresting officer leads to a less than ideal pool of candidates for ‘law enforcement’. They should be more appropriately called Societal Sanitation Workers.


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