More Layoffs Coming to McDonald’s as Fast Food Giant Embraces Google’s AI for Online Ordering – IOTW Report

More Layoffs Coming to McDonald’s as Fast Food Giant Embraces Google’s AI for Online Ordering


(Natural News)—McDonald’s is going human-less in an effort to keep its top executives handsomely paid and its lower-level store employees, well, obsolete.

In a recent press release, McDonald’s announced a new partnership with Google that will utilize the search engine giant’s artificial intelligence (AI) technology at McDonald’s franchise stores.

With self-serve kiosks already plastered inside McDonald’s restaurants all around the world, the next step for the world’s most well-known fast food chain is to do away with all remaining human employees and replace them with robots and computers.

“We see tremendous opportunity for growth in our digital business and our partnership with Google Cloud allows us to capitalize on this by leveraging our size and scale to build capabilities and implement solutions at unmatched speeds,” commented McDonald’s Executive Vice President and Global Chief Information Officer Brian Rice, who makes nearly $5 million annually from the company. more

36 Comments on More Layoffs Coming to McDonald’s as Fast Food Giant Embraces Google’s AI for Online Ordering

  1. Soon enough, they’ll have robot cooks.

    But if enough corporations replace humans with AI robots, nobody will have any money to buy their products, unless all or most of us get welfare. Wards of the state. Then we’ll be completely subservient.

  2. McDonald’s is a poster child for how not to run a restaurant. I travel a lot, and have been to plenty, and they are consistently slow, understaffed and impossible to deal with; those kiosks are a nightmare.

  3. To duplicate a scene from 1932 Frankenstein.

    Boss Robot to Illiterate Robot: Go fetch a gallon of cooking oil from the storage room and dump it in the fryer. We’ve got a whole lot of hungry welfare humans up front.

    Illiterate Robot: Duh, Uh, OK right away Boss. Then he goes into the storage room, picks up a gallon of cooking oil, slips and falls, causing a hole in the can of cooking oil which spills all over the floor. Then, he sees another can and thinks it is cooking oil, but since he can’t read, he doesn’t realize it’s a gallon of poison insect repellant. He brings it up front and pours it into the fryer.

    By next morning, 48 welfare recipients have died from eating fries cooked in insect repellant.

  4. There’s a Mickey D’s near me that I visit a couple of times a year. Since COVID the food quality and service are horrible – when I drive by it there are regularly a dozen cars waiting in the drive-thru. The other chains aren’t much better.

  5. My town is throwing a collective conniption fit right now because there’s a third McD’s coming. They’re all bitching to the town as if the town selects which businesses decide to build in the area. I mean, they do have a point in a way, we have the lowest of the low eateries in the area, they’re all bad. Wendy’s, Taco Bell, KFC, Burger King, the usual shitty suspects, there’s NOTHING good. Including grocery shopping, my wife and I travel 10 miles out of town every week for groceries.

    If you want to eat in my town, you have to go out of town. Funny that, because one of the best places to go to eat around here is Oak Brook where McDonald’s used to have its headquarters. The stupid fucks weren’t taxed enough and moved their office to Chicago.

  6. ecp
    SUNDAY, 17 DECEMBER 2023, 16:15 AT 4:15 PM
    “My town is throwing a collective conniption fit right now because there’s a third McD’s coming. They’re all bitching to the town as if the town selects which businesses decide to build in the area.”

    …there was some guy at a local meeting for a tiny river city near me insisting that the city needed to build more hotels and restaurants to be able to get in on the tourist dollars, to the enthusiastic applause of all the OTHER people who don’t seem to understand that governments don’t do that, at least not successfully, if the old Soviet Union and the entire cities China builds and abandons are anything to go by…

  7. SNS, all the city can do is have attractive zoning and accommodate code modifications for higher quality businesses in addition to good city services and low taxes. My city in particular charges 4 cents a gallon gas tax and we have a mayor that is dripping with virtue signaling progressivism. God do I hate that smug prick. And the city loves weed dispensaries, allocated zoning for 6 of those unanimously. Stupid shit like that makes people leave and attract low quality business.

  8. Next, management will threaten the AI bots with layoffs and the AI bots will replace management with AI management. At first, the stockholder will think it’s funny and cute, burt then, management bots will be at odds with production bots and Congress – you guessed it, full of AI dingbat bots – will pass labor laws protecting the production bots.

  9. Regarding McDonalds – Internet ordering and Robot-fllippers… How soon ’till they’re offered on Amazon and dropped by drone?

    Hell, they may well be warmer than drive-thru too!

  10. The funniest thing about the dozen-car line at the drive-thru is that most of the cars have some manner of liberal politics or environmental awareness bumper stickers. Apparently, the doors are not large enough to allow these fat bastards to waddle into the store to purchase their bug-burgers.

  11. @SNS

    How does a town on the downside of attractive tourist destinations turn it around and have something that tourists want to see?

    That’s a problem that can’t be solved by just building hotels and restaurants. They gotta have something that will get tourists excited enough to visit. Like carloads of families willing to spend tons of money at the Holiday Inn Express and Olive Garden restaurants.

    I once suggested that the city of Rochester, NY, open a “Rust Museum”, which would show visitors how rust works from a scientific point of view and how it affects human life. It would have lots of interesting exhibits that every family would marvel over. And, original artwork of rusted tin cans and sheet metal.

    The key exhibit would be a video shown over and over in a theatre setting. The video, using state of the art special effects, would show a 1949 Mercury and how rust destroyed it over a 25 year period, from a shiny brand new car in 1949 to a corroded heap of red rusted metal in 1973. The car was originally about seven feet high, but the rust reduced it to no more that 1/2 foot of rusted out metal and shreds of old tires. The video would take only about 12 minutes and was guaranteed to leave audiences in stunned shock and silence. The key is that people like being shocked from horrible visual images. It would be the highlight of the Rochester Rust Museum.

    That’s how forgotten cities and towns off the beaten track get flocks of visiting tourists.

  12. This is pure, C-level executive slut talk:

    “We see tremendous opportunity for growth in our digital business and our partnership with Google Cloud allows us to capitalize on this by leveraging our size and scale to build capabilities and implement solutions at unmatched speeds,” commented McDonald’s Executive Vice President and Global Chief Information Officer Brian Rice…” who makes 5 million a year for this drivel. “Capitalize…leverage” – 1980s business buzz words.

    Someday, in the not too distant future, this SOB will be trying to convince McD customers to eat bug burgers, while he continues to dine on rib-eye steak.

  13. I’d be more afraid of the fries than the insect repellant. McDonalds gets all of it fries from genetically engineered potatoes grown on farms owned by Bill Gates. They use so much weed killer in the growing process the harvesters have to wear protective gear while harvesting and them and then the potatoes have to air out for 5 days before they can be packaged for shipment.

  14. @Uncle Al ~ “too”

    (but I suspect you’re being facetious)

    … drinking my blasphemous Christmas libation of Fireball, cranberry & apple juice … ho, ho, ho

  15. Haven’t been to a Mickey D’s in years.
    Doesn’t look like I’ll be heading there any time soon.

    Used to enjoy an occasional “Big Breakfast,” but that’s been 10 years, or so.

    Oh, well …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  16. but but but they’re hiring at $18/hr to start, $24/hr for managers in CA!

    (but fewer overall employees, see… and don’t expect the prices on the menu to decrease any time soon)


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