MORE LIES EXPOSED: Federal Prosecutors Walk Back Insane Allegation of Plot to Kill Lawmakers During Capitol Protest – IOTW Report

MORE LIES EXPOSED: Federal Prosecutors Walk Back Insane Allegation of Plot to Kill Lawmakers During Capitol Protest

He told reporters, “We don’t have any direct evidence of kill-capture teams,” which seemed to contradict federal prosecutors in Arizona who had alleged on Thursday in a court filing that there was evidence rioters wanted “to capture and assassinate elected officials.”

7 Comments on MORE LIES EXPOSED: Federal Prosecutors Walk Back Insane Allegation of Plot to Kill Lawmakers During Capitol Protest

  1. Evidence isn’t proof, it’s just evidence that needs to be proven before being taken that way.

    And lack of evidence can’t be used to prove anything either, it just means the the evidence can’t be found and presented to be proven or disprove.

    But people hear what they want to hear and assume it means what they want it to mean anyway. We live in the age of deceit now, but try to be aware that you can as easily deceive yourself as be deceived by others.

  2. Headlines are already out there. Mission accomplished.
    Orange man bad put his mind numbed robots up to being violent with his code words, “be peaceful”.

    Liberal sheeple won’t believe anything else now.

  3. If you want to kill Congress you bring guns. Seems like the people that had guns were the leftists trying to make it look like a overthrow and I have a feeling FBI were involved or knew it.

  4. Democratz sure make complete A holes look brilliant. This is a damn slippery slope the democrats are trying to demand us to walk down. I’m not going along with the democrats psychotic reality propaganda BS. America is brain dead.

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