More on James T. Hodgkinson – IOTW Report

More on James T. Hodgkinson


James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, Illinois has been identified as the man who shot Majority Whip Steve Scalise and others this morning. Hodgkinson is described by a friend:

“He was this union tradesman, pretty stocky, and we stayed up talking politics,” he said. “He was more on the really progressive side of things.”


As has been widely reported, Hodgkinson is a rabid Bernie Sanders supporter. He considers Hillary Clinton to be a “Republican lite.”

Hodgkinson appears to have drunk the progressive/Democratic Party kool-aid on every issue.


SNIP: Powerline goes through his Facebook account and as you can see, he admires every fake news outlet. Should MSNBC feel a little embarrassed? Or are they proud of their fanbase?

And here’s more,  from Rush Limbaugh:

CNN Goes Low-Key in Wake of Shooting.

26 Comments on More on James T. Hodgkinson

  1. For the first time ever, I may tune in to Mr. Maddow’s broadcast tonight, just to see how he-she uses her best conspiracy theory creativity to turn this on the conservatives.

    Will bring popcorn too.

  2. I’ve got a question. If an early morning baseball practice is held without fanfare in a relatively unknown park who tipped off this stranger, who is new to the area, that this practice was happening at 6 am?

    I know this park. It’s not exactly high profile.

    Somebody set this up.

  3. The Left owns this. He’s one of their Disciples. Their rhetoric supports this. They will play the “this was clearly a deranged man” angle and point out his prior skirmishes with the law. They must be forced to acknowledge him and all the other Prog Children who are violently acting-out.

    None of this shit “we ALL have to take a deep breath/come together/unite” bullshit. Make them own it.

  4. God forbid that the lamestream media and the democraps begin to portray this loser as a John Brown type of character. When I first heard this story this morning at first I thought it was another muzzie but it turns out it was a left wing fruit cake. Try and spin it you jerks on the left, it won’t work because we’re onto you and don’t believe a damn word you say about anything. If a civil war starts it’ll come from the left, guarandamnteed.

  5. My craziest Lib “friend” on Facebook posts the same sort of crazy stories with added hateful commentary about “Donnie” and lying Repubs. He is also from Illinois. In a perfect world the Secret Service would visit all these loons and put the fear of god into the ones who might have a glimmer of rational thought left. I’m monitoring his page for some sort of comment about what happened today. Nothing. He did find time though an hour ago to post another Rachel Maddcow “Comey is Great” testimony vid.

  6. @ illustr8r, if you’re of a mind, remind them of the letter Bernie sent, fundraising off of Gabby Giffords after she was shot. Ask them if any of them know how much he got.

  7. If this wasn’t exactly intentional – it was emotionally intentional (i.e. the thought that it couldn’t happen to nicer people than these repubs).

    It is a mspms, cnn, abc, cbs, nbc, the view, and many others wish sandwich.

  8. Make the DEMOCRATS/PROGRESSIVES own this one, they are already shoving this turd so far left in the corner and blaming it on Crazy Bernie. They are all in the same toilet, they all are responsible.

    Bernie stirred the pot last week when he lashed out at the Democrat party, causing rumors of a split. The Hillary wing will be more than happy to hang this, and other violent acts, around the necks of Bernie followers. Don’t fall for it.

  9. @PHenry: I hate the media dot com had a link to an April 12, 2017 NYTimes article about “who is protecting the powerful” that described the security at the GOP baseball practice in Alexandria. Kinda makes you go, “Hmmmm…”

  10. PHenry, I heard this morning, as the first reports were coming in, that the CP were n their vehicle when the shooting started. Then, after the CP stopped the shooter, nothing more. Given the reporting, I was under the impression that the shooter got off about fifty unanswered shots before the CP engaged him.

    Then this afternoon Chris Wallace asked the question I wanted answered: “Where were the police when the shooting started?” I can’t remember who it was or the exact words, because I was away from the TV but the main thing I heard was: “…and then the police took cover behind their vehicle…” Which would indicate to me that they were in the parking lot, and in or near their vehicle.

    Then they saved the day, so none of that, even if true, mattered anymore. I can’t help but think that if they’d been out there on the field, it would have deterred the shooter. Then again, they may have become the first targets. But you’re right, something is hinky about this.

  11. I looked at this guy’s FB “likes” and “groups” before they got memory-holed, and the striking thing about it was how utterly stereotypical and orthodox it was. This was a portrait of a straight down the line conventional middle American leftist. 24 hours ago there would have been nothing to distinguish it from millions of others. The MSM and the Democrat party (but I repeat myself) having programmed their flying monkeys with the idea that Trump is Hitler and Republicans are Nazis, does anyone think he’ll be the only one to do his bit to try and save the world?

  12. 1. Most Congresspeople use zero Opsec.
    Partly arrogance, partly ignorance. That did not change after the Giffords shooting. This was closer to home, and may begin to change now.
    2. “Trump is Hitler! Children will starve and babies will die!” worked. Here’s a 66 year old white guy who decides to die because Maddow and MSNBC and NYT have programmed his average 100 IQ that “Drumf” is evil and killing America By any means necessary.
    His posts are parrotings of Maddow. He actually thinks the 1929 Crash occurred because income tax rates weren’t high enough. He believes this because Robert Reich said so in the NYT.

    Too bad he died before he could be interrogated.
    Just let like Lee Harvey Oswald.

    3. He may have had some V for Vendetta fantasy where today was not a suicide mission. He may have imagined himself getting 12 or so evil GOP Nazi’s today, then driving safely home for cornflakes and taking out POTUS at the next opportunity.

    We are nearing the time when mass Leftist arrests become the last hope to prevent Civil War.

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