More on the man who allegedly assaulted Sen. Rand Paul – IOTW Report

More on the man who allegedly assaulted Sen. Rand Paul

Judging by Rene Boucher’s Facebook posts he also loves CNN, Fake Jake Tapper, plagiarist Fareed Zakaria, Chris Matthews and of course a$$ clown Stephen Colbert. –    More at Pacific Pundit.


Boucher: 5 Things You Should Know

Canada Free Press- Rand Paul assaulted by a Democrat anesthesiologist

28 Comments on More on the man who allegedly assaulted Sen. Rand Paul

  1. Lock and load conservatives. Self defense only.
    The violent nut jobs have been given their marching orders. AntifaAlQaedaISIS are one and the same.

    The evidence is overwhelming.

  2. I wonder if Bo Rock even knows what a lawn more looks like? Can you imagine him ripping the pads of those soft black hands trying to pull start a lawn more? I see uncontrollable tears. If he were still in office he’d sign an executive order outlawing lawns and lawn mowers.

  3. No man should be attacked on his own property. That’s what 2A is all about. That is what happened here. Rand Paul would have been justified in killing the motherfucker.
    If he had a gun. But who wears a gun while cutting the lawn?

  4. Tommy,

    I live on a Cul De Sac, I either smoke our meat or BQQ most nights of the week. But for damn sure everyone meets at my house for dinner Saturday night. And you and your bride are welcome here anytime. That’s no shit.

  5. Paul survives the baseball assassination attempt and doesn’t kill this motherfucker when he attacks? Shit I would out of sheer PTSD and probably run over him with the mower a few times too. I had flashbacks your honor.

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