More people died in the key clinical trial for Pfizer’s Covid vaccine than the company publicly reported – IOTW Report

More people died in the key clinical trial for Pfizer’s Covid vaccine than the company publicly reported

Alex Berenson: On July 28, Pfizer and its partner BioNTech posted a six-month data update from their key Covid vaccine clinical trial, the one that led regulators worldwide to okay the shot.

At a time when questions about vaccine effectiveness were rising, the report received worldwide attention. Pfizer said the vaccine’s efficacy remained relatively strong, at 84 percent after six months.

It also reported 15 of the roughly 22,000 people who received the vaccine in the trial had died, compared to 14 of the 22,000 people who received placebo (a saline shot that didn’t contain the vaccine).

These were not just Covid deaths. In fact, they were mostly not from Covid. Only three of the people in the trial died of Covid-related illnesses – one who received the vaccine, and two who who received the saline shot. The other deaths were from other illnesses and diseases, mostly cardiovascular. more here

10 Comments on More people died in the key clinical trial for Pfizer’s Covid vaccine than the company publicly reported

  1. So Big Tobacco was crucified for deceiving about their product which was totally optional for me to buy, but Big Pharma intentionally scuttled the initial double-blind studies and LIED about the safety AND efficacy of their jab, and our criminal Government grants them blanket immunity from liability. Then intends to force me to partake of it.

    How about it I first get to put lit cigarettes out in Fauxi’s eyes, m’kay???

  2. So, all you had to worry about before with Pfizer was whether or not you could have an erection last up to four hours. Now, you can have your whole body gets stiff. On the bright side, you can keep your job after the job if the job doesn’t take your life.

  3. There is a great documentary mini series right now on Hulu called Dopesick about Purdue pharma and the family that ran the private company to introduce opioids primarily originally into poor communities in W. Virginia, etc. The last episode has yet to release but they show how the FDA is corrupt, the tricks they play in studies etc. It is all exposed and yet here we go again with these shots you’d have to live in a cave not to know they are dangerous at this point of the game.

  4. I had many arguments with one of my siblings from the beginning of the plandemic up to the death jabs being rolled out.

    My arguments basically were three things? 1. Why would you trust the government(federal, state or local), CDC, FDA, Fauci? (I would then give numerous examples of why all of the above could not be trusted.) 2. Why would you trust the media? Why would you trust hospitals who get more money for a covid case than a pneumonia case and even more money for a covid patient on a ventilator?


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