More Than 10% Of Rachel Maddow’s A-Block Was Awkward Silence – IOTW Report

More Than 10% Of Rachel Maddow’s A-Block Was Awkward Silence


DC: TV host and political commentator Rachel Maddow took to the air to discuss what she declared a “fake news” story that was sent to her show, using a full 10 percent of her time to silently stare at the camera.

In the middle of attempting to denounce a false “top secret” document that she implied was sent to her by the Trump administration to ruin her credibility, she spent nearly three minutes in extremely awkward silence.  more here

24 Comments on More Than 10% Of Rachel Maddow’s A-Block Was Awkward Silence

  1. How is ANY of this “PRESS?”

    Press protects cover: rants, 4 panel discussions, interrupting people, shouting down others?

    This is not press: it’s OPINION. Anyone that uploaded a video-rant to youtube can now be considered part of the press.

  2. Yep, Maddow is a youTube show, with a larger following.

    Her popularity is due (IMO) to Hipster Projection. Weirdly, she appears to embody what the Snowflakes have been programmed to aspire to:
    They mistake her rehearsed high speed patter for Smart And Informed.
    They mistake her smug self-satisfied smirk for Confidence.
    They mistake her prop glasses for Intelligence.

    Her audience is an odd mix of ageing grey-ponytail Boomers counting the months to retirement on government pensions who long to Smash The State, and clueless unemployed Millenials with $100k in debt for their Masters in 19C French Feminist Theater Studies.

    Half of Maddow’s audience is headed for SunBelt Assisted Living. The other half will lose their Cable when Mom eventually kicks them out.

  3. I’m sitting with a client and she is watching BBC. The BBC is running a program right now saying that Steve Bannon and Donald Trump used a military training company to run military grade Psy-ops on the American people to win the election. They literally called it “alt-right hypnosis.”

  4. Rachel Maddow is a good Story Teller. She utilizes repetition of certain details to fashion a narrative; the Dramatic Pause is employed so the viewer settles in on the particular “truth” and conclusion that Rachel constructs by inference of the narrative.

  5. Curious to see the unedited video (yes, i have a masochistic streak), I went to the MSNBC webpage (for the first time in my life). Never found the video, but the whole website is batshit crazy anti-Trump. Every article, every show, every photo, EVERY FRIGGIN’ THING, wall-to-wall, 24/7/365, the network is entirely devoted to their obsession with DJT. Hilarious and pathetic at the same time.

  6. Ok, I went there expecting to only get through three seconds before I had to bail since I loathe this thing. Imagine my surprise and joy when they snipped out most of her blathering. Ahhhhh, first time I could last a whole clip of this thing!

  7. Mohammed’s pink swastika, that looks like another “honeypot” leak. Somebody’s DC desk drawer contents are being dumped in a cardboard box right now, and their hard drive has been taken to a secure facility for analysis. Hook, line and sinker.

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