More Than 100 Million Not in Labor Force for 14th Straight Month; No Job, Not Looking – IOTW Report

More Than 100 Million Not in Labor Force for 14th Straight Month; No Job, Not Looking

( – The Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics announced on Friday that 100,450,000 people in this country were not in the labor force in October, up 38,000 from the 100,412,000 in September.

This is the 14th straight month that this “not in the labor force” number has remained above 100,000,000.

Persons who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force. This category includes retired persons, students, those taking care of children or other family members, and others who are neither working nor seeking work.

Among those not in the labor force in October, 1.3 million persons said they were prevented from looking for work due to the pandemic. This measure is down from 1.6 million in September.

The number of people not in the labor force reached a record high of 103,418,000 in April 2020, as the pandemic took hold; and the highest it’s been under President Joe Biden is 100,708,000 this past February. more

9 Comments on More Than 100 Million Not in Labor Force for 14th Straight Month; No Job, Not Looking

  1. Funny, everyone in the media is saying what a great recovery we are having.

    By the way, An HVAC buddy called me and asked If I knew where he could get 2 technicians and also if I Had any 99K12’s to spare.
    The supplier has NONE and has no Idea when they will get any.

    Gonna be A COLD FUCKIN WINTER for the Turdeau Voters…

  2. @Lowell

    Good question, & here is why I mentioned it:

    It is A simple 600 volt to 208 volt transformer because Canuckistan just has to be different than the USA.

    It reduces a voltage that is not commonly used Stateside into something usable in commercial HVAC. The point is that it is only needed because Canadians are Think With Their Asses. BEFORE anyone gets around to building them, they will be busy making the Common US Version which is 460Volt to 208Volt and taking care of the BIG Markets.

    These are the types of shortages we can expect as Canuckistan Builds Back Better by IMPORTING EVERYTHING from ASIA, MEXICO & USA.

    We Make Fuck All Domestically.


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