More Than 100K Voters Chose ‘Uncommitted’ over Joe Biden in Michigan Democrat Primary – IOTW Report

 More Than 100K Voters Chose ‘Uncommitted’ over Joe Biden in Michigan Democrat Primary

His Fraudulency Joe Biden faced humiliation in Tuesday night’s Michigan primary after more than 100,000 Democrats chose “uncommitted” over the sitting president.

8 Comments on  More Than 100K Voters Chose ‘Uncommitted’ over Joe Biden in Michigan Democrat Primary

  1. Yeah, but most of them were Arabs, who voted against Biden because he won’t sanction Israel. So it isn’t like they particularly care for a different Democrat. Well Ilhan or Rashaida I suppose.

  2. “The Democrat party chose extremists, perverts, and bigots over the rest of us.”

    Not nearly as bad as republicans choosing orangehitler, in their minds.

    Question I have, what democrat out there is going to do any better than Joe? Seriously, if they find someone to replace Joe with that is actually somewhat mentally alert, that will sink this country even faster than Joe ever could. That’s what the democrat party stands for and the JFK liberals are too stupid to see it right in front of their face. But maybe that’s what they want, so 🤷‍♂️️ JFK liberals need to vote republican to get what they want. Progressives can just vote straight democrat. Conservatives need to change the party to get any representation at all, hence the Tea Party and MAGA.


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