More Than 2,000 People Fail North Carolina Math Exam To Become Licensed Teachers – IOTW Report

More Than 2,000 People Fail North Carolina Math Exam To Become Licensed Teachers

Daily Caller: An education standards commission in North Carolina unanimously voted to phase out a portion of a teaching licensing test as about 2,400 teachers failed the math exam.

The commission voted to replace for-profit Pearson publishing company’s math test with a math exam from Praxis, created by nonprofit test provider Educational Testing Service (ETS). The standards commission consists of educators, administrators and those working in colleges, The Charlotte Observer reported Tuesday.

Those against the Pearson math test say the exam requires middle- and high school-level math skills, often not used when teaching younger kids. Pearson math test supporters, however, believe teachers need to understand higher-level math to prepare those in the lower grade levels, according to the Observer.  MORE

22 Comments on More Than 2,000 People Fail North Carolina Math Exam To Become Licensed Teachers

  1. I had to take a math class for teachers to advance to my internship and get at least a C. It was actually pretty hard and the things we had to learn fairly advanced, such as understanding different base systems and translating numbers. I probably am not explaining it well, but it really was pretty fascinating – and I’m not normally what one calls a “math person.” I loved the portions how he showed these diagrams when explaining that there are actually millions upon millions of fractions in between any two given whole numbers.I ended up with a C but learned to appreciate math a whole lot more. Anyway, what it really aimed for wasn’t learning advanced-level math, but the rationale behind different ways to teach lessons, such as column of ten to give a visual for smaller kids, who don’t get the idea of “borrowing,” for example.

    I’ll never forget that guy – he was awesome, and I still have my final!

    I don’t know anything about Pearson, but Praxis study guides are really quite effective. If you study them faithfully without excuses, you stand a very good chance of scoring well. I used them for English and elementary Praxis exams and always tell people to use that study guide.

  2. Have a 1st cousin that decide to ‘Home-School” her children. A son and daughter. At first was terrified. What did she even do to qualify her for that?
    They are both extremely well and she is a very loving and grateful Grand-mom now.
    Stuff happens, sometimes good.

  3. They’ll sure be crying they deserve more money in a year or two for being a professional with a degree though, but of course it will only be because of the kids and our poor kids deserve it. If you disagree you hate kids.
    Don’t worry though those poor kids will be educated in math, they’ll put a tablet in their hands and tell them to use their google math app.
    I was just reading something on FB about Oklahoma teachers who went on strike, which they called a walk out because striking is not allowed in Oklahoma, have their union President saying their raise wasn’t enough and they will be demanding more money this year. The person who wrote the piece on FB also linked to an article of how many Oklahoma teachers now use apps to teach kids. I guess they just sit at their desk and scroll social media while apps are teaching their class. Oh and get this, during their walkout, one teacher used it for a sex education class as she took a student with her, had sex with him before they left town and again on the way back home from the capital. Her husband found out about it, forced her to go to police station and tell what she did and then proceeded to file for a divorce. She’s now crying her life is ruined, she lost her job, her husband, and her reputation so she shouldn’t have to go to jail. I guess she just wanted to be like her fellow teachers since 68 of them have been charged with rape or dealing drugs at school since this school year started.
    I wish someone would tell me why any parent would continue sending their children to a place that indoctrinates them, rapes them and sells them drugs and uses apps to educate them?

    Apparently the standards are pretty low in Oklahoma to get a license to teach as while reading the comments by teachers on the post, few could spell or write a sentence.

  4. “Math is hard.” – Prog
    When only the correct answer is acceptable, fools crumble.
    It doesn’t matter how fast you talk or how many trendy obscure adjectives you use, 2 + 2 = 4.

  5. “Were they allowed to take the test with their shoes off?…”

    …would it help if they DID, @willysgoatgruff? Since a number of these are probably highly inbred Muslims, they may have anywhere from 2 to 11 toes per foot, so base 10 counting may not work.

    And, it’s a strech to assume they can count in the FIRST place, since we’re talking about Democrats here…

    “He who can does; he who cannot, teaches.”
    -George Bernard Shaw

  6. The purpose of “school” (especially elementary school) is indoctrination, not instruction – so – the “teachers” have no need of any particular knowledge or skill.

    “Give me a child to age 7 and I’ll give you a lifelong Communist.”

    Dewey understood this, and the American “education system” (AFT, NEA, PTA, US Dept. of Education, Unionism, and Syndicalism) implemented it – and we are paying dearly for it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. DC and the Charlotte Observer writers/editors both get a grade of F in basic statistics. They tell us that about 2,400 would-be teachers failed the math test.

    They DON’T tell us how many took the test. If 2,450 took the test, that tells us something quite different than if 24,500 took it.

    I wonder what percentage of “journalists” could pass.


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