More Than 2,000 U.S. bound illegals cross into Guatemala without authorization – IOTW Report

More Than 2,000 U.S. bound illegals cross into Guatemala without authorization

This shit again? I wonder which Democrat gave them the green light?

GUATEMALA CITY/TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) – Guatemala invoked special measures for security forces on Thursday, after thousands of Central American migrants crossed the border without authorization as part of a caravan aiming to reach the United States.

President Alejandro Giammattei’s declaration gives security forces additional powers to disperse public gatherings in six of Guatemala’s departments, as more Central American migrants are expected to try to enter the country in the coming days.

On Thursday morning, more than 2,000 caravan members, many wearing face masks, barged past armed Guatemalan troops at the border, as they sought to escape poverty exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic.

Guatemalan officials expressed concern about contagion.

“We’re talking about a caravan in the middle of a pandemic. The situation is complicated because they broke the health protocols and we don’t know who has entered (the country),” said Guatemala’s migration director Guillermo Díaz. more here

8 Comments on More Than 2,000 U.S. bound illegals cross into Guatemala without authorization

  1. Let’s see… Trump has the vast majority of the military supporting him, so plant a fake story about how Trump disparaged the military.

    Trump has the overwhelming support of evangelicals, so plant a fake story about how Trump secretly hates evangelicals.

    One of the keystones of the Trump presidency is Border Security, so create another caravan to make border security look weak.

    Trump supports the second amendment, so look for a mass shooting before November.

    Fuckin’ democrats.

  2. it’s been all over Fox for the last half hour … PDT has tested positive for Chinese-19, so has our First Lady

    they have immediately quarantined

    Dear Lord, protect them

  3. About one third of the population of Central America is already living in the United States. Wouldn’t it be unfair not to let this huddled mass yearning to be free to benefit from everything their forefathers accomplished living illegally here in America? Hopefully, this will swell into another crowd of several hundred thousand Yearners headed straight for Arizona to help convince voters there to re-elect President Trump to save us from becoming a Third World Shithole.

  4. Whites are a minority in California now and some very evil people want to see the same elsewhere. They’re making progress.
    In another few years we may have to learn a new language to function in the new society.


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