More Than 4 Million Texans Have Cast Early Votes Ahead Of The Midterm Election – IOTW Report

More Than 4 Million Texans Have Cast Early Votes Ahead Of The Midterm Election

Daily Caller:

Millions of Texans have cast early ballots ahead of the Tuesday’s election as Republican Sen. Ted Cruz fends off his Democratic opponent, Rep. Beto O’Rourke.

More than 4,514,930 Texans have cast in-person ballots during the entire early voting period in the 30 counties where most of the state’s registered voters live. To put it another way, roughly 40 percent of the 12 million registered voters in those counties have voted.

Early voting in those counties surpassed turnout from the 2012 presidential election. Data compiled by the Texas Tribune also shows turnout over 12 days of early voting in those 30 counties also surpassed the entire turnout of the 2014 midterm election.

Polling data in Texas has been all over the map, with Cruz leading anywhere from nine points, to O’Rourke of El Paso ahead by two points. Yet, O’Rourke likely faces a much tougher task, according to some experts. He will need to pick off almost 20 percent of Cruz’s GOP base to win the election, Texas Politics Project Director James Henson wrote in an analysis in October.

Data tabulated during the primary election seem to support Henson’s position. The Washington Post, Fox News, and others, reported in March that more than 885,000 people in Texas had voted early or by mail in the state’s most populous counties, which comprised a 50 percent increase from 2014 – the previous high for the Democratic Party in the Lone Star State was 592,000.  read more

9 Comments on More Than 4 Million Texans Have Cast Early Votes Ahead Of The Midterm Election

  1. I gotta ask, why is this, this close in Texas. I don’t get it. The Right Poop still thinks this guy walks on water and should still be president. I’m not kidding. I was band from there long ago. But if I wasn’t, I’d love to ask that question. Here’s a good headline from those dumb asses. “Trump is forced to find much larger venues on predicted turn out thanks to Cruz”. How fucked up do you need to be to believe that shit? Cruz is and always has been a weak sister. Trump has to take a couple deep breaths to try and save this moron. And people honestly thought he had a shot at Pres. Please.

  2. We don’t let jurors cast their votes early and go home before the trial is over, and we should stay until the end of the campaign as well. Make time to vote on Election Day. A bunch of punched ballots floating around for weeks before Election Day is just not a good thing. Look at how many ballots get misplaced by Democrats on just one freaking day.

  3. Texas is the one state that should be turned upside down and inside out searching out vote fraud. The DNC and all its allies have been signalling for years they want to turn Texas blue and with the recent migration of fleeing Californians to Houston, Dallas, Austin, etc. they won’t be content to assimilate — just as they’ve turned the entire west and east coasts into socialist paradise. Texas has its coastline, too.

  4. Cruz better have a MAGA religious epiphany and repent of his 2016 campaign tactics and his old-school political style if he (and we) can hope to hold on to TX. MAGA-licious voters shouldn’t have to worry at this point about political gamesmanship and shenanigans from Trump-supported pols. There’s only one captain on this ship. Paul Ryan learned this the hard way. He left before he got primaried.

  5. Why is it close? Gee, every liberal in the country donated money to O’Rourke and he’s had a tsunami of fawning press coverage along the way.

    I can admit that Cruz has a singularly unlikeable personality which will prevent him from being president. But people like Trump for fighting back. Well, Cruz had to fight back on the campaign trail too.

    Did he have affairs with 8 women? Did he assassinate Kennedy? Is he the Zodiac Killer? Because the person he swung his support behind said all that shit about him knowing it wasn’t true.

    For fuck’s sake, let it go.

  6. Beto has been out campaigning and getting yard signs up, bumper stickers and has been doing events around college campuses for over a year. Cruz has almost no presence. Either he has internal polling that shows it has never been close or he just has waged a really pathetic campaign and has counted on Abbott pulling him to the finish line.

  7. The Washington Post, Fox News, and others, reported in March that more than 885,000 people in Texas had voted early or by mail

    They vote for Tuesday’s election starting in March???

  8. What’s the point of “Election Day?”
    Why not just have all the illegal-alien invading rat-people fill out the forms when they think about it (even if still in their rat-countries) and have the Demonrats file em?

    Voter fraud was never easier!

    izlamo delenda est …


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