More than 600 doctors warn Trump against extending coronavirus lockdowns – IOTW Report

More than 600 doctors warn Trump against extending coronavirus lockdowns

Trending Politics:

The diagnosis is complete, at least for hundreds of healthcare professionals: It’s time to end the coronavirus lockdowns because they’re harming (and killing) Americans.

More than 600 doctors have signed onto a letter to President Donald Trump urging him to resist others who want to keep the country shut down even longer.

The group wrote that 150,000 Americans each month “who would have had a new cancer detected through routine screening” have not had their disease identified because hospitals where such screenings take place have been largely shutdown in anticipation of waves of COVID-19 patients that have not materialized. More:

6 Comments on More than 600 doctors warn Trump against extending coronavirus lockdowns

  1. I have thought that myself. I wonder if people who get serious conditions diagnosed too late will be allowed to sue government officials for malpractice.


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