More trouble for Weinstein – IOTW Report

More trouble for Weinstein


Actress Annabella Sciorra Reveals Shocking Claims: Harvey Weinstein Raped Me.



In a wide ranging interview with the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow, actress Annabelle Sciorra detailed the horrific night when she claims producer Harvey Weinstein practically broke into her apartment and raped her.

Sciorra says she was friendly with Weinstein in the early 1990s, and thought nothing of it when he offered her a ride home after an event. He had always been a gentleman to her in the past.

After being dropped off, she went up to her apartment and changed into a nightgown to get ready for bad. She was alone. It wasn’t “that late,” she says, so when she heard a knock, “I opened the door a crack to see who it was. And he pushed the door open.”  MORE




Actress Daryl Hannah: I Was Punished After Telling Quentin Tarantino, ‘Powerful People’ About Harvey Weinstein Sexual Harassment.

Actress Daryl Hannah accused Harvey Weinstein of sexually harassing her at the Cannes Film Festival, during which he “pounded on her hotel room door “leaving her no choice” but to “escaped out a back entrance.”

Hannah, who starred in the Weinstein-produced cult classic Kill Bill filmstold the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow that her second encounter with Weinstein came years after the Cannes encounter. Hannah said Weinstein rushed into her hotel room, “like a raging bull,” during the Kill Bill Vol. 2 Italian première in Rome. Weinstein told her to put on a dress and head downstairs to a party.

Hannah said when she arrived downstairs there was no party. “And it wasn’t even like there had been a party there. I didn’t see drinks around,” she recalled. As she turned back to the elevator, Hannah said she saw Weinstein standing in the entrance.   read more

17 Comments on More trouble for Weinstein

  1. It bothers me all these women never reported to police. They let this scum get away with rape and allowed him to go on raping others. Year after year and decade after decade.

  2. I’m shocked(!) about these stories.. said nobody ever.. except lying Hillary.

    Wake up degenerates. Your leaders on the left think you’re stupid and easily manipulated. For the first time ever, I have agree with them.

  3. Nothing brave and heroic about these women. The only difference between them and a porn shoot is they film the porn casting interview. They knew the dues to be paid

  4. NOW that they’ve made their MILLIONS…they’re “shocked! SHOCKED!”

    GO BUY
    1) a votive candle to meditate
    2) a big black dildo to resonate

    It’s TOO LATE TO whine out your a$$es, sweeties.
    p.s. Be sure to share your dividends with us!

  5. From a behavioral psychology standpoint…. if a behavior is rewarded once, then it will be repeated. Some of these women (and boys, and girls, and men) could control their gag reflex and not barf when these pigs did whatever creamed their twinkies…. so the behavior continued with other girls, boys, women, men. The people who played along to advance their careers know who they are…. and they might even try to claim #metoo but it’s been going on since the beginning of Hollywood.

    Read The Godfather. Written in the 60’s? Mario Puzo writes about how Tom Hagen sees a mother bringing her very youngood daughter dressed up for the movie producer, and then he sees them later, the child has clearly been traumatically molested and the mother is smirking.

    50 years ago.

  6. Did any of them, any of them at all go to the cops or take him to civil court? The answer seems to be a resounding NO. I have no doubt that some of these women were hurt physically, emotionally and psychologically but to not call the police is almost as bad as the crime itself (I said almost) because it guarantees that he’ll do it again. Career or not, not calling the cops makes each one an accessory before the fact in the assaulting of the next victim. Frankly, the ones that knew about what was going on and said nothing except a little tittering at cocktail parties when his latest victim came in are as guilty as well. Now what about the child molesting folks? Are you going to keep quiet about that? The ones apologizing for not saying now are just trying to salve their conscience and protect their careers. Scum.

  7. Charlie Sheen seemed to find the best legal way to get laid while he was stoned out of his mind and “winning”. His winning formula was to watch porn, and hire his favorite female porn stars at the going film rate.

    It might explain why he is HIV positive, but no one is accusing him of sexual harassment yet.

    Harvey could have saved himself a lot of settlement money.

  8. Seems like a lot of washed up actresses are coming out with new tales of rape and sexual assault, likely on the advice of their agents or publicists. These things may or may not have happened, but it’s pretty typical for these kinds of things to become a fad for a bit before things settle back to normal and ambitious young actresses again start trading blow jobs for choice parts they can’t earn by their acting chops alone.

  9. You know what irks me on top of the first thing I said that irked me–which was that these women chose career and money over reporting this disgusting slob and stopping him? That when you say this in many forums, you’re “blaming the victim.” The reasoning is “their careers could be ruined.” Really, now? And so you’d rather they prop up an entire industry that operates on allowing scumbags to rape women and they have to shut up or else go back to Podunk, Illinois?

    I hate these easy peasy answers that don’t even mean sh** anymore. What f**ing blaming the victim? Did I say they brought it on themselves or that it was their own fault? F*** no! And I don’t believe that to be true. Very, very few women ask to be assaulted. (Yes, there are some twists does out there.) But once it happened, why was their Hollywood career more important than pursuing justice and stopping him from doing it ever again? That they chose to remain silent means they chose to be a cog in the machine that is Rape City.

  10. Women who trade pu … uhh … favors for money get upset when men collect?

    It’s Hell being a sex symbol … I know … the girls just won’t leave me alone …

    izlamo delenda est …

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