More Videos Surface: Capitol Police Waving Protesters Inside, Moving Barricades Aside, Standing By as Protesters Walk In – IOTW Report

More Videos Surface: Capitol Police Waving Protesters Inside, Moving Barricades Aside, Standing By as Protesters Walk In

Gateway Pundit-

American Greatness published video on Sunday that directly contradicts government prosecutors’s claims filed against at least one protester in the January 6 “riots” at the US Capitol.

The new video reveals that police invited several protesters into the US Capitol that day. Several of these same protesters were later charged by overzealous prosecutors and smeared by the press. more here

16 Comments on More Videos Surface: Capitol Police Waving Protesters Inside, Moving Barricades Aside, Standing By as Protesters Walk In

  1. Remember when 0bama authorized a deep study of gun violence? And it came out that law-abiding gun-toters actually save lives, and that gun laws don’t reduce gun violence? I think this ‘1/6 Inquisition’ is going to have findings more along the lines of that.
    Of course it won’t stop the rhetoric. Impossible to stop the rhetoric.

  2. …the purpose of the “Jan 6 commission” is the same as the purpose of the Mueller report; to first and foremost, gather all the inconvenient evidence against Democrats to be buried or destroyed.

    You watch.

    This video, and all like it, will be siezed, in an armed raid at 0300, and never seen again, and questioning it will be viewed as an act of terrorism.

    So enjoy it now.

    …in six months, it will be like it never existed, and everyone in it will have had, like, an accident…

  3. So the “Insurrectionists” were the Capitol Police???
    Will this evidence be submitted to the Jan 6 Commission, or buried like so many other scandals?
    Frankly, I will only be satisfied with prosecutions followed by swift justice.

  4. The process is the punishment that is why they are slow rolling due process and keeping them in jail for as long as possible, in horrible conditions, forcing them to rack up legal fees and lose their livelihood and health.

  5. More proof I have been right for 5 months. Bush “Republicans” hate conservatives. and lie! Naming just few names: Adam k., Brian F., Liz, Mitt, Mitch, Tony Gonzales twice (OH, TX)..ALL THE LIBERAL I HAVE LISTED HAVE CONSISTENTLY LIED ABOUT 1/6/21. LIBERAL LIARS ALL! ****BUSH “REPUBLICANS”?!#$%!

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