More Voter Fraud: Ilhan Omar Reportedly Led “Cash for Ballots” Scheme Exposed by Project Veritas – IOTW Report

More Voter Fraud: Ilhan Omar Reportedly Led “Cash for Ballots” Scheme Exposed by Project Veritas

RedState: Minnesota’s Rep. Ilhan Omar is, once again, seemingly at the center of a voter fraud scheme and, once again, Project Veritas has uncovered video evidence that shows fraud being admitted to and even taking place.

The video begins with Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe introducing the video and showing an exchange of $200 for a ballot by a ballot harvester. Then video then cuts to a man being interviewed and admitting that he was paid $800 for his ballot.

Project Veritas described it as a “pay-to-vote” scheme with possible connections to Omar. Within the video, insiders tell a journalist that Omar came up with the scheme to harvest the ballots by paying for them. What’s more, it would seem that a group called Al-Shabaab (with close ties to Al-Qaeda) is extorting money from various citizens in order to be left alone. watch

9 Comments on More Voter Fraud: Ilhan Omar Reportedly Led “Cash for Ballots” Scheme Exposed by Project Veritas

  1. She checks too many boxes to be gone after. She’s free to do as she wishes in our lawless society. About once a month we read about some thing or another she’s doing. Nothing happens…

  2. Don’t worry folks, the hard working people in Government got this. But seriously, what the fuck do these useless assholes is not one of them. do all day, because fixing problems that the country has

  3. Where did that edit button go. lol
    Don’t worry folks, the hard working people in Government got this. But seriously, what the fuck do these useless assholes do all day, because fixing problems that the country has is not one of them.

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