Morgan Stanley Under Fire for Minority-Only Intern Program – IOTW Report

Morgan Stanley Under Fire for Minority-Only Intern Program

WFB: An advocacy group is pressing financial giant Morgan Stanley to end an internship program open only to gay students and select minorities.

The Project on Fair Representation on Tuesday sent a letter to Morgan Stanley and Princeton University warning that identity-based criteria for the bank’s 2022 Freshman Enhancement Program violate federal nondiscrimination laws. The internship is open only to “Black, Hispanic, Native American, and/or LGBTQ+ freshman undergraduate student[s],” according to Morgan Stanley’s website. Princeton has allegedly encouraged its students to apply for the program, according to the letter.

“Morgan Stanley and Princeton are leading institutions in our culture,” the letter reads. “What you do matters not only because it affects the individuals involved, but also because you set an influential example for others. Pandering to activists with ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ initiatives like this internship program is actively harming and racializing our already divided country.” read more

11 Comments on Morgan Stanley Under Fire for Minority-Only Intern Program

  1. Racial quotes dilute competency. Thankfully, some fields like money management lack the capacity for real harm, unsatisfied clients can move their money to JP Morgan or Fidelity Services. The real harm comes when your affirmative action hire is flying your plane, or wearing a badge while pointing a gun at you, or is the on-call physician when you go to the ER.

    If you want to stop racial discrimination you quit discriminating by race, but the pursuit of excellence or competency is not the goal, never was.

  2. @Uncle Al February 16, 2022 at 6:00 pm

    > There ain’t no smaller minority than just one.

    There you go. We just got that Dinkleberry guy quieted down. And you just have to rile him all up.

  3. To heck with qualifications, talent and initiative.
    Wanna bet a lot of them drop out and/or need constant babysitting?

    Company my hubs works for, Wood, told them right out about 5 yrs ago that basically white men can pound sand. They’re hiring women and assorted minorities.
    One of those minority hires is now a boss and actually hired an Iranian in Iran. Sent him a laptop and everything.
    Wood does tons of govt work that requires security clearances too.
    One of the Africans a couple of yrs ago brought TB with him.
    Sat next Mr. Beachmom. Everyone had to get tested and CDC sent a hazmat team to sterilize.
    These woke hires suck.

  4. Just wait until the woke, diversity hires start designing our buildings with woke math, doctors start treating patients with woke medicine, pilots in racial quota programs start flying our planes. Good times.

  5. Our own government funds non-citizens over citizens in medical residencies:

    Bombshell Testimony: 7K U.S. Doctors Sidelined Every Year by Foreigners Winning Taxpayer-Funded Residencies


    ….In 2021, over 4,000 non-citizen foreign-trained physicians received residencies in the U.S. This is an enormous increase when 10 years prior, 2,700 foreign-trained physicians received residencies. Between 2011 and 2021, more than 40,000 non-U.S. citizens, foreign-trained physicians were given U.S. taxpayer-funded residencies. Each residency costs taxpayers $150,000 a year. We are subsidizing foreign doctors. [Emphasis added]

    And it has support of both parties:

    Rather than prioritizing unmatched American doctors, Republicans and Democrats alike have backed plans to import tens of thousands more foreign nationals to take doctor and nursing jobs at U.S. hospitals.

    Those Senators have included former Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) along with Sens. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Todd Young (R-IN), Chris Coons (D-DE), John Cornyn (R-TX), Patrick Leahy (D-VT), James Lankford (R-OK), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Roy Blunt (R-MO), Tom Carper (D-DE), Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), Angus King (I-ME), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Rand Paul (R-KY), Jackie Rosen (D-NV), Mike Rounds (R-SD), Tom Udall (D-NM), and Ron Wyden (D-OR).

    So not only do they save spots for unqualified minorities based on their pigmentation, our congress critters pass legislation rewarding foreign doctors-to-be over Americans with residencies.


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