Morocco Bans the Burqa – IOTW Report

Morocco Bans the Burqa

ClarionProject: Although the decision was motivated by security concerns, the ban is also ‘an important step in the fight against religious extremism.’

The Moroccan Interior Ministry has ordered garment-makers and retailers throughout the North African country to stop making and selling burqas. They have further been instructed to liquidate their stocks of the garment within 48 hours or risk confiscation.

On January 9, ministry officials visited markets to hand-deliver written notices informing sellers and tailors of the decision to stop production and sale of the garment. The notice was also posted on social media platforms.

“Following the observations of the authorities, we notice that you sell burqas. We are calling on you to get rid of these garments within 48 hours and to refrain from selling them in the future,” the notice read.  MORE

10 Comments on Morocco Bans the Burqa

  1. I’m not sure, but I think it was BFH who ran photos of Iran’s people then and now which showed the lifestyles and clothing before the Shaw of Iran was deposed by Jimmy and the CIA. My kids did not even know the recent past. I wish there was a pictorial website devoted to accurate history. Thirty to sixty year olds really need to see this.

  2. I don’t get it. Morocca takes away the burqa for security reasons and the women just wrap rags around their heads, instead?
    What’s the difference, other than it’s more colorful and cheerful?

  3. This is a very bold move by the government of Morocco. It’s one of the last stable countries in North Africa, and a friend of America and Europe. The burqa is like a canary in a coal mine; when a country imposes them on their women it is proof that that country has turned towards Islamic extremism. If you want to see how far down the Sir Thomas Crapper the U.K. has been flushed with multicultural tolerance just count the burqas in any one of the neighborhoods taken over by Muslims. Churchill wouldn’t recognize his country.

  4. in my younger years(late 40s early 50s) my mom would put on a head scarf before going out to keep the wind from blowing her hair around-or when she went to church, but this full face covering burqa thing is not good. I have seen on the news where a man uses one to rob a bank etc. Good idea-ban them world wide.

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