Most Arizona Voters Believe Election ‘Irregularities’ Affected Outcome – IOTW Report

Most Arizona Voters Believe Election ‘Irregularities’ Affected Outcome

Rasmussen Reports: The razor-thin outcome of last year’s Arizona gubernatorial election has made most voters in the state suspicious of the result.

A new telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and College Republicans United finds that 55% of Likely Arizona Voters believe it is likely that problems with the 2022 election in Maricopa County affected the outcome, including 35% who think it’s Very Likely.

Forty percent (40%) say it’s not likely that the problems in Maricopa County affected the election outcome, including 29% who believe it is Not At All Likely. MORE

3 Comments on Most Arizona Voters Believe Election ‘Irregularities’ Affected Outcome

  1. “I don’t believe the poll.
    If most voters didn’t believe the results, they would riot/protest/revolt, nothing is happening. Quite and peaceful…”

    That’s what all the Jan6 prosecutions are about; keep everyone scared so we just sit back and let them keep stealing elections.


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