Most Arrested Chicagoan – IOTW Report

Most Arrested Chicagoan

First, he was accused of slapping two women on their buttocks in the 6800 block of North Clark on September 22. He left the police station hours later.

16 Comments on Most Arrested Chicagoan

  1. The NSDAP used a similar tactic: They emptied the jails of petty criminals that created an atmosphere of crime. The people begged their government to “do something” about the crime. Their government imposed a Police State and the people felt safe. For a while. Welcome the the Peoples Republic of the United States of America.

  2. Judge Kelly McCarthy (D) cares about equity and judicial activism more than anything. Her biggest concern is ensuring the justice system is fair for criminals (not victims).

    On her first week, she sent 22 of 27 defendants home on recognizance bonds, including two who were charged with robbery. She refused to grant prosecutors’ requests to have several defendants held without bail, including one charged with attempted murder for allegedly beating, stomping, and choking his pregnant girlfriend for 20 minutes. And she even took the unprecedented step of ordering a robbery victim to show up in court to be served with an order to protect the man who allegedly robbed her at gunpoint.

    In one case, prosecutors told McCarthy a convicted felon admitted that a gun police found inside a purse in a car he was driving was his. Despite the alleged admission, McCarthy ruled there was no probable cause for the man to be detained because “obviously it’s not his purse.”

    She regularly “forgets” to start the livestream of her sessions presumably to avoid accountability.

    No cash bail and repeat offenders aren’t the problem. It’s leftist judges in progressive Chicago.

  3. Easy to be a backseat driver,easy to point fingers 🖕, harder to come up with REAL solutions, which Republican’ts do while they support America’s #1 criminal, lock up all the poor ones, give the wealthy ones a Jesus pedestal. Dementia full tilt.

  4. Here’s a real solution: Enforce the law.

    You know, the stuff that’s already on the books.

    Gee, that was so hard to think of. I don’t know why it’s so hard for leftists. Oh right, because of equity or whatever.

  5. Chicago didn’t just become a shit-hole.
    It’s been a shit-hole for a long time.
    What you tolerate; you get. The denizens of Chicago have tolerated corrupt government for … well, forever. They have exactly what they voted for.

    Don’t cry for Chicago – Juvenal Coronel is just one turd in the septic tank that is Chicago.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. He seems like a nice guy.
    He has his whole life in front of him.
    His momma has high hopes for her sweetie.
    He’s been making great progress.
    He’s capable of some really special things.
    He has a good soul.
    He never means any harm.
    Sometimes, he’s just misunderstood.
    He wouldn’t hurt a flea.

  7. Juvenal Coronel. Get used to it. Joey has invited in over 10 million just like him, while trying to disarm the rest of us. With the full support of blissfully ignorant democrats like “Anonymous”.


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