Most requested song of the day! – IOTW Report

Most requested song of the day!

Blame this thread for this post.  😉

Or perhaps you prefer the live version?

Come on everyone, sing along!

Good morning starshine
The earth says hello
You twinkle above us
We twinkle below
Good morning starshine
You lead us along
My love and me as we singing
Our early morning singing song

Gliddy glub gloopy, nibby nabby noopy la, la, la, lo, lo
Sabba sibby sabba, nooby abba nabba, le, le, lo, lo
Tooby ooby walla, nooby abba naba
Early morning singing song

Good morning starshine
There’s nothing in the skies
We met in the sunlight
And my lovers eyes
Good morning starshine
So happy to be
My love and me as we singing
Our early morning singing song

Gliddy glub gloopy, nibby nabby noopy la, la, la, lo, lo
Sabba sibby sabba, nooby abba nabba, le, le, lo, lo
Tooby ooby walla, nooby abba naba
Early morning singing song

Can you hear me singing a song, a love song
Singing a song
Loving a song, laughing a song
Singing a song
Sing the song, song sing, song, song, song, singing
Sing, sing, sing a song

Song, song, song sing, sing, sing, sing a song
Sing, sing, song, sing a song
Yeah, you can sing, sing, sing song, sing a song
Sing, sing, song, sing a song, sing



Good news, everyone!  There’s a Spanish version.

So I went to google translate and had the lyrics translated into Spanish.

Buenos dias estrellas
La tierra dice hola
Brillas por encima de nosotros
Brillamos abajo
Buenos dias estrellas
Nos llevas
Mi amor y yo mientras cantamos
Nuestra canción de canto de la madrugada

Glumpy glub gloopy, nibby nabby noopy la, la, la, lo, lo
Sabba sibby sabba nooby abba nabba
Tooby ooby walla, nooby abba naba
Temprano en la mañana cantando canción

Buenos dias estrellas
No hay nada en los cielos
Nos encontramos en la luz del sol
Y mis ojos amantes
Buenos dias estrellas
Tan feliz de estar
Mi amor y yo mientras cantamos
Nuestra canción de canto de la madrugada

Glumpy glub gloopy, nibby nabby noopy la, la, la, lo, lo
Sabba sibby sabba nooby abba nabba
Tooby ooby walla, nooby abba naba
Temprano en la mañana cantando canción

¿Puedes oírme cantar una canción, una canción de amor
Cantando una canción
Amando una canción, riendo una canción
Cantando una canción
Cantar la canción, la canción cantar, la canción, la canción, la canción, el canto
Cante cante una cancion

Canción, canción, canción, cantar, cantar, cantar, cantar una canción
Canta, canta, canta, canta una canción
Sí, puedes cantar, cantar, cantar, cantar una canción
Cantar, cantar, cantar, cantar una canción, cantar

You’re welcome!  [De nada]


55 Comments on Most requested song of the day!

  1. I was forced to sing that song in grade school music class. Thankfully my older brothers liked really hard rock music so I was able to force it out of my head and recover my manhood before I fell into a permanent pansy state.

    That is the one and only song I had successfully deleted from my memory. Now it’s back with a vengeance!

  2. For the record, MJA, I babysat a 7 year old kid in the mid ,’70s, and his mom’s 45 of “Starshine” was played over and over and over and over when I was babysitting. But his parents were Unitarians who gave him a subscription Playboy so he could learn not to be ashamed of nudity. My parents never knew. So you can forgive me if I have mixed feelings about that song. Ahhhh…Carol Vitale….

  3. Here’s lyrics from a song on Hair you might remember…

    I’m a
    Colored spade
    A nigra
    A black nigger
    A jungle bunny
    Jigaboo coon
    Pickaninny mau mau
    Uncle Tom
    Aunt Jemima
    Little Black Sambo
    Cotton pickin’
    Swamp guinea
    Junk man
    Shoeshine boy
    Elevator operator
    Table cleaner at Horn & Hardart
    Slave voodoo
    Ubangi lipped
    Flat nose
    Tap dancin’
    Resident of Harlem
    And president of
    The United States of Love
    President of
    The United States of Love
    (and if you ask him to dinner you’re going to feed him:)
    Hominy grits
    An’ shortnin’ bread
    Alligator ribs
    Some pig tails
    Some black eyed peas
    Some chitlins
    Some collard greens
    And if you don’t watch out
    This boogie man will get you
    What you say!

  4. Jethro.
    Love me some ZZ Top.I need to get off this thread, some of the songs currently mentioned are making my ears bleed. Marie Muldaur? Honestly? You Fags.

  5. Illustr8r
    Wow, you’re not even dancing around the line of acceptable music. You Pole Vault right over the acceptable line. How do you live with yourself?

  6. @Illustr8r

    Yup Terrible. Awful.

    Manfred Mann. Blinded by the light
    Joe cocker. You are so beautiful

    Who sang that you’re beautiful song that came out a few back? That puss cake should be torn apart by wild animals

  7. Wait a minute. Bad Brad you are off the hook. Popcorn by Hot Butter?
    That is simply torture. Call the United Nations.
    What’s next on this cruel thread for god sakes?
    Clock out by Devo?

  8. Ya know. I just gotta say

    The posters on this site and the commenters here
    are all national treasures. Well maybe not Brad
    Hahaha. Of course Brad is a treasure

    I can’t count the head nods and laughs today alone

    Is this a semi drunken I love you man? Actually not. I can get drunker than this. Just watch.
    Seriously what a great group.

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